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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Gimli

  1. Gimli

    Wasabi wanted

    Can't help you source this but are you aware the climate needed to grow these is a cool climate? Think there is only one commercial grower in Australia, based in Tasmania Be interesting to see if it can be grown on the very bottom end of mainland Australia at all. Good luck
  2. Bees are plugging along filling the sectional frames Went down to Margs recently and found a very similar product, same size square but only one sided, $33. Crazy price
  3. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0145547/ https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079501/ https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118826/ https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073540/ https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084296/ Couple of classics
  4. While I can't help with supply of grape seeds, I'm curious why you want to grow from seeds? The genetics of the variety isn't completely carried over by way of seed. Like cactus, propagation should be done vegetatively if you want the known characteristics, particularly for wine making
  5. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Syn-Trichocereus-pupper-new-clone-Bridgesii-X-tricho-red-huasca/372851757882?hash=item56cfb2533a:g:1ZUAAOSwJBdd2UB~ LOL
  6. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/syn-trichocereus-Bridgesii-psycho0-Massive-Graft-on-top-of-cereus/372851241387?hash=item56cfaa71ab:g:MyoAAOSw3tdd2Hgm Massive graft alright... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. Variegated? This has been yellow from the get go. Never seen one like it in the hundreds/thousands I've grown, all in the same potting mix
  8. Okay, I got carried away with the knife... Sharxx Blue x TPM
  9. Sharxx Blue x TPM (Peru x Juuls) x TPM TPC x Juuls Before and after. Starting to build that crest army
  10. Had a quick look in the flow super. 3 middle frames are pretty much the same as far as how much has been capped off already
  11. Bloke at work and I put on a brew this morning, after months of talking about it and being unable to do it due to other commitments We used 5kg of my honey, 2.5kg of cherries, 2kg of sugar and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Finishing off some of his chocolate coffee vanilla stout while we got the brew on. Damn tasty!
  12. The mob on the lawn were a swarm from hives on the other side of the fence. Often they land on lawns it appears. Odd place though
  13. Bees are filling the flow frames nicely. I ended up not waxing the flow frames and the bees took to them very quickly I've noticed a lot of Flow owners posting in various groups about their bees not moving up into the super. The issue is their colony wasn't ready for it (re not big enough)
  14. It's around. More than you can poke a stick at if you know the right people
  15. Anyone who just messages their address without posting will be skipped (2 so far). It just helps me keep track 9 seed lots spoken for so far Thanks all, can't wait to share some more love
  16. First and foremost, put them in the ground
  17. Added some new clones Waiting for @Torsten to fix the html code input problem so I can upload the table of clone info. Would be cool if we could devote a subforum to clones, listing each with info and photos? I know there are some clones on trichocereus.net named clone database but it's far from complete
  18. Civil site I've been on recently has a small pocket of Quandong trees of varying sizes. Harvested a few fruits to make jam and germinate Had a few germinate recently after quite some time (3+ months) and can't wait to plant them out in the garden
  19. We don't have SHB in the Perth area (yet), only up in the Kimberley region of WA. Interesting that the maggots, even given their small size, made it through the frames when opened I can't wait for my first flow harvest. Switching another of my langstroth hives over to a flow super this week hopefully once the 8 frames in the super are capped. Keeping 2 as langstroth for honeycomb production also
  20. Welcome to the third (and possibly the last?) installment of the Acacia acuminata (raspberry jam) broad phyllode seed giveaway To receive a bag containing 5g of seed: 1) Post below, preferably with a photo of any wattle you've grown yourself 2) Immediately send me a PM containing mailing address and a name to go on the package in the following format: Name Address Suburb State Postcode If not in the above format, I will skip you. This year I will just print a stick on label instead of handwriting This is limited to the first 40 people and only for members in Australia. I do not post internationally Happy belated wattle day First few flowers coming in only a few weeks ago
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