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The Corroboree


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About afungitobewith

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  1. afungitobewith

    Hydroponic Lophs

    Just saw a link for these on FB http://shop.nalatanalata.com/collections/terra/products/copy-of-hydro-large
  2. afungitobewith

    Not so Failed Graft?

    Picture please?
  3. afungitobewith

    Temperature hardiness of trichos? Experiences?

    A lot of mine froze out when an early cold snap happened. It was around or below 25F for 2-3 days in a small greenhouse. The wind blew the door open. Most of my peruvian and bridgesii dominant looking hybrids died leaving some of the pachanoi crosses unscathed. Out of 50 young plants about 10 survive. pulled this info off a pdf Trichocereus andalgalensis Under 20F Trichocereus grandiflorus Under 20F Trichocereus huascha Under 20F Trichocereus huascha cristata Under 20F Trichocereus pachanoi Under 20F for short durations Trichocereus pasacana 10F Trichoceereus spachianus Under 20F Trichocereus thelegonus cristata Under 20F
  4. afungitobewith

    Why did my grafting stock cave in? :(

    I'm with Myeloblast on the beveling.
  5. afungitobewith

    how small a seedling can be grafted?

    I have had good results by placing in a humidity chamber like Gilligan said. As soon as I cut it and place the scion I put it in the chamber and don't touch it. The more fiddling I do the more I botch the surgery.
  6. afungitobewith

    1st Loph flowers < 6 months (16 @ 230 days)

    The full moon was a few days ago? Yeah my turbi was in bloom again with the moon. Also the only fruit to form has matured and I got my first seeds. The circle is almost complete.
  7. I degrafted a handful like that so far. The pereskiopsis rooted and its been growing. A few of the columnars I think also rooted from the base. So when the stock dies they should continue to grow seamlessly I think. There was a thread on another forum about degrafting ariocarpus on pereskiopsis. Didn't mention any real issues with rot when the stock died. Well anyway crosses fingers. Awesome photos and genetics everyone!! :popcorn:
  8. afungitobewith

    Albino Cacti Seedlings

    Yeah I had 5 last month. 4 died and one is still holding on. Hasn't really grown at all though. Should graft it this week
  9. afungitobewith

    1st Loph flowers < 6 months (16 @ 230 days)

    Purely coincidental, sure looks like a pink moon... I had a bloom push over the weekend on a turbini. Didn't open all the way. Been needing a watering and is pretty thirsty. But then again I been running a day or two behind on the full moons with blooms since I been keeping track.
  10. afungitobewith

    What did you do to your cacti today?

    Looked things over. Debating and procrastinating. Waiting for it to warm up enough for things to go outside. Almost there. Don't have enough room in my indoor setup. I want to make room for the seeds I sprouted so I can start grafting them. Looking into ideas for next season. Like a cold frame with heat cables or a greenhouse of some sort. Something small with a lot of thermal mass that can absorb as much of the suns warmth as possible. Something that stores the heat during the day and releases it as it gets cool at night. Just so I can get another month or 2 in for the season. Going to start some SSO2 X Juuls and Bridgesii x Juuls. Old seed but should be a few viable.
  11. afungitobewith

    Astrophytum thread

    Thanks HelloNasty. I got them off an auction site. Then when I check out one of the other listings they had, it showed a picture a 5 year old with a paint brush pollinating flowers FML I still hold onto some hope that when they gain some size, some colors will start to show more. Or do they pretty much keep color from youth and mine are bunk.
  12. afungitobewith

    Astrophytum thread

    I picked up some of those seeds. I have them going now but they are solid green at this point. The new growth has orange and yellow to the edges and one is more pink. But no solid patches yet. Still small though. Maybe when they get larger the colors will start to show more I hope. If not maybe in the next couple generations or something.
  13. afungitobewith

    pere graft question

    I'd use a sharp clean kitchen knife or similar for something large. What ever is available. I know what you mean about having to slide the blade to avoid the crushing. The DE razors are tough to cut through inch wide stock. Not enough room to slide without sticking fingers. But if I want to graft these super small delicate variegated mihanovichii I have going or week old arios I'd use the thinner DE razors. For big stuff I like a blade that is as wide as the scion. So I can have the scion sit on the blade while I make the final cut on the stock and quickly place it.
  14. afungitobewith

    Chavin Culture (900-200 bce) Ceramic

    A friend made this
  15. afungitobewith

    pere graft question

    Double Edge Razor all the way. Scalpel blades work good. But on delicate young seedlings the thick metal and short bevel sort of crushes as it goes. My success rate went up when using the super thin razors for shaving. For 10 bucks online you can get 100 razors. Broken in half into 200. As long as you don't hit hard spines each blade should last a while. They also sell them in smaller packs at pharmacies. But thats hit or miss. A 10 pack lasts a while.