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The Corroboree


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    Cacti, Ethnobotanicals, Herbs and Flowers

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  1. Thanks all I appreciate the feedback I love taking the time to get my parcels together. To be honest this is my first unintended give away to the forum and I want to do it right. I'll post a couple of pictures once they are ready to send. Would love some tip on the potted button I guess bare rooted is the answer.
  2. Thanks all i'll hit bunnings and ship these bad boys. might even start a thread on postage, packaging and storage. i notice that some people store and ship items loose in zip lock bags. if anyone is storing seeds, dried fruit and even concentrates they should use a vacuum sealer. oxygen is your enemy in storage and shipping and should be removed to all degree once something is made, dried or ready to be shipped it is best done in a vac bag and then a vacced mylar when poss. light is the other enemy mylar is low cost and will protect everything.
  3. Sorry new phone and I can't use the camera IMG_20200422_102610.pdf IMG_20200422_102551.pdf IMG_20200422_102602.pdf IMG_20200422_102607.pdf IMG_20200422_102610.pdf IMG_20200422_102551.pdf IMG_20200422_102602.pdf IMG_20200422_102607.pdf IMG_20200422_102610.pdf IMG_20200422_102551.pdf IMG_20200422_102602.pdf IMG_20200422_102607.pdf IMG_20200422_102610.pdf IMG_20200422_102551.pdf IMG_20200422_102602.pdf IMG_20200422_102607.pdf
  4. I've put up a topic but I was going to use some water crystals to keep the roots moist during transport. thinking even some damp paper towel may be as good. Anyone shipped something similar and have some tips I'll take some photos of the Pots now I've had them for years and they were really old when I got them.
  5. I wanted to get some insight on some good methods to send some khat suckers out. Currently thinking of using some water crystals in a mainly closed zip lock and take most of the leaves from the plant. Any tips or am I just going to end up delivering a bag of goop to someone? Also I have a button I want to sent to someone and would love to know the best method. i have seen a lot of pictures of bare rooted buttons on the sale thread so I imagine this is due to shipping issues on to mention the fact the soil shouldn't be posted I imagine that it would be hard to ensure it wasn't so shaken the pot causes more damage to the button than the benefit the pot may have given. I was things of padding down the soil and then glad wrapping the lot leaving a hole of the button to sit out and then use another padding method to stabilize the pot in a box with air holes for it to breath. Shipped plenty of columns but find they are almost bullet proof. Sorry if I could have found some of this out with some searching.
  6. Finished, I'll send some tracking numbers once they are sent
  7. I have heaps it has been a great summer. For the next three posters I'll send 2 minimum sucker's. Just post then send me a pm. I will be at least one narrow and one red.
  8. Hey Mate PM me with an address and I'll send some suckers express. I'll do both the red and narrow. Thanks. Pie
  9. I've only had three lucid dreams. The most amazing thing I have experienced almost like I have a level of control to be, create or do. Try flight, creation of objects or just asking what it is to feel emotions as colours. The last is permeation once lucid ask a person you know something, what can only you tell me about you in the future. My first reply, ask me why my father gave me my name, a friend met 2 years after the dream! If you haven't tried or know what it is research it is awesome. Finally it is beyond any awake based experience. - one example- passing through a wall
  10. Agreed lets make it at least au wide
  11. Looks pretty good, i'd be up for it.
  12. Perhaps it won't be too hard? Anyone? Anything?
  13. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone it means so much to me that people are reaching out me. I know other people are facing similar issues. Someone asked how I have been approaching mail, I am using Sendie to either deliver all the way or just take it to the post office. All the best, wishing you a safe and sane time in the next few months.
  14. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone it means so much to me that people are reaching out to me. I know other people are facing similar issues. Someone asked how I have been approaching mail, I am using Sendie to either deliver all the way or just take it to the post office. All the best, wishing you a safe and sane time in the next few months. I have a massive collection that needs pruning and some concentrates. Thanks again.
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