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Everything posted by IndianDreaming

  1. IndianDreaming

    Acacia Seed Swelling

    Wow - they're looking very healthy upside! I'll get some shots of the ones I put in around the same time as you - mine are only half the size or less. They live outside and the conditions up until now haven't been particularly favourable, and I've managed to wipe a few out with lack of water, over watering, high pressure 'squirt out of the pot' etc... Hopefully have some shots later today/tomorrow. I bet you're stoked with that lot - they look very healthy. They look to be inside, what sort of lights are you using, do you have a shot of the setup? I've only done them on the windowsill, not artificial light.
  2. IndianDreaming

    Petalostylis sp.

    Cubism: I'm no expert, but that sounds like damping off - which is what has happened to me when trying to grow P. harmala in a mix too rich. Many moons ago my P. cas seeds germinated then failed because I kept them too wet and they were in straight, rich potting mix. Your mix sounds good - is it too wet?
  3. IndianDreaming

    Potent sedative plants...

    Make your herbal teas stronger. I think the western idea of 'tea' is a teaspoon of herb steeped in a cup of water. If I drink one cup of the below tea, 30 mins later I'm so body relaxed and sleepy I have trouble walking to bed, and the instant my head hits the pillow, I'm out cold and awake as fresh as a daisy the next morning 1 cup of Chamomile 1 cup of Passionflower 1 cup Californian poppy 1/4 cup Mulungu 1/2 cup Mugwort Pop this in a saucepan with 4-5 or 6 cups of freshly boiled water for 20 mins. Don't simmer it. (Or for a more complete brew - gently simmer the mulungu for 10 mins, then add the rest once the pot is turned off) Sometimes I add damiana, lotus, skullcap, and even though people whinge about lions tail being toxic to animals in high doses, a 1/8th cup to the above mix is like 2 temazapam and full body relaxation without a hangover. You can smoke the lions tail too for added effect. This makes 4-5 or 6 cups and it keeps well in the fridge. The damiana is a strong mood stabiliser and if you pop some in, only use 1/2 cup or the mix is too 'floral' tasting and I find it leaves me overly mood stabilised for the next day. Edit: Mugwort is not suitable for pregnant women so caution is advised for the ladies with this one.
  4. IndianDreaming

    Who wants some Alberto's!?!

    I'd love some!
  5. IndianDreaming

    a plea - organ donation

    The initiative to fund hospitals for organ donations was a part of the 'Australian Organ and Tissue Authority' that the fed govt started in 2009. They were allocated $151 over 4 years - and a part of that money went into the hospitals, allocated per organ donation. I can't find the article I read (did a quick search, cbf finding it), but I distinctly recall reading it and thinking "Wow, money for organs, they'll be ripping out organs from people suffering from coughs and colds to get at that cash" - The healthcare industry is renowned for being underfunded, so money that's available is highly sought after. A quick search also reveals quite a few "I'm still alive" stories too: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/dead-patient-colleen-burns-wakes-amid-organ-donation-at-st-josephs-hospital-in-new-york/story-fneuz9ev-1226676841192 I'm all for growing organs out of the patients own body tissue - that's some spectacular work.
  6. IndianDreaming

    a plea - organ donation

    "Clinically dead" is the term isn't it? Or "brain dead" - The body still needs to be alive and thriving for them to harvest organs. It takes quite awhile to remove an organ, more than 30 mins, and if they began after you had died, the organs would be unusable. You need to be alive for the entire procedure, and hence the organ is alive and oxygenated right up until the final cut to sever the arteries.
  7. IndianDreaming

    a plea - organ donation

    Sorry to hear about your loss - bend away. I have some issues with organ donation though. It's not "after you're dead" - it's whilst you're still alive. Recently there has been funding given to hospitals for organs harvested too - $20,000 to be precise. When I consider the amount of times I've heard "So they switched off the breathing machine because they held no hope, and they kept breathing and made a full recovery" - Leaving the decision of whether I'd recover to some quack that stands to gain $20k for their hospital doesn't fill me with a sense of security. In the case mentioned above, they would have harvested the organs before turning off the machine. I do think organ donation is a good idea - but imo the system around it at present isn't the best. I've even heard unconfirmed stories that there are organs available at the time, but the administration of the whole organ donation system is terrible at linking donor A to recipient B.
  8. IndianDreaming

    NSW Government to seize babies of mothers who use drugs

    ^ This has already happened.
  9. IndianDreaming

    New QLD VLAD legislation- not just about 'bikies'

    ^ This is absolutely fantastic stuff - It really feels like some positive moves can be made. Reading all the posts and the comments, I was feeling helpless and angry that there's nothing we can do. I don't even live in QLD, but I do live in Australia, and I think we all need to stand together and scream!
  10. IndianDreaming

    Ask the person below you

    It's possible but extremely improbable What would you do if you had so much money that it wasn't important to you anymore?
  11. IndianDreaming

    Acacia I.D Mid north coast nsw

    Awesome description m8 - looks like an Obtusifolia to me. The flowers in your picture seem to be 4-merous, the veins sparingly anastomosing, visible and leathery looking. I guess the seeds/pods are the only thing left to really check when they form. The size and shape of the seed, pod and funicle can be seen below.
  12. IndianDreaming

    New QLD VLAD legislation- not just about 'bikies'

    Some info on how we go about showing our outrage without ending up labelled a terrorist would be nice. I, as a representative member of the public am an ignoramus git when it comes to politics. So how does one go about kicking up a stink about all this?!?!?! I wrote a letter... Do I do an interpretive dance in front of parliament house? Chain myself to a heroin addict or a Harley? I really don't know so I apologise if my cheap humour offends. If anyone does know, please chime in - I'm all ears.
  13. Seems odd to me that if Butterfly Labs has that sort of computing power - why wouldn't they just mine the coins with it themselves and reap the 'profit'
  14. IndianDreaming

    Giant pumpkin contest!!

    Mine has gone in the ground recently, and it's only just getting warm here - so it's possible but improbable that I'm still in the comp... we shall see my precious, we shall see...
  15. IndianDreaming

    How do you pronounce this plant name properly?

    ^ Excellent!!! I've always had trouble with things ending in 'aceae' or 'eae'- Such as: Fabaceae
  16. IndianDreaming

    Ask the person below you

    Yes - and No Vvv - When you dream, is it full colour and does it take up your whole 'mindscreen' i.e. fully immersive or projected on a telly like screen in your mind - vvV
  17. IndianDreaming

    Junkie or no?

    ^ Lol - Ye-old style advertising is great: http://www.pharmacytechs.net/blog/old-school-medicine-ads/
  18. IndianDreaming

    Acacia I.D Mid north coast nsw

    Sweet - See if you can get phyllode, gland, seed, seed casing, axil, bark - any defining characteristics. If you're interested in growing some acacias I could probably spare a few seeds to get you started?
  19. IndianDreaming

    NSW Government to seize babies of mothers who use drugs

    Sub: The gov't taxes cigs heavily and makes billions of dollars - how can they make money off something that kills more people a year than car accidents, suicide and heroin babies all put together and still hide behind the statement "We're here for you, we're helping you be healthy and happy" - reminds me of TXH1138 - "Buy, Buy More and Be Happy"
  20. IndianDreaming

    Junkie or no?

    Sometimes it's hard to maintain the conversation at the debate level, where valid equal and opposing views are presented with supporting evidence in a non-derogatory manner, especially when it's a topic that may hold personal value for someone, emotions can run high and quick regretful posts can flow fast and furiously. Sometimes I feel that posting controversial topics only serves to divide and conquer the community and causes arguments, but without healthy discussion of touchy issues, nothing would get done I guess. It's interesting to see why people think the things that they do, it's like an entheogen in itself, it makes you consider your own views and gives you a 3rd person perspective to chew on.
  21. IndianDreaming

    Acacia I.D Mid north coast nsw

    Hi GP420 - There's quite a few good resources on the net for acacia id - World Wide Wattle is one. And if you're into books then grab something like Costerman's field guide. For a good id it pays to know your exact location and then learn what are the most common acacia's in your area - that narrows it down from a few 1000 to a few hundred. Then you want to find out the defining characteristics of the plant. Does it have a gland? Where is the gland located? Does it have opposing leaves, how many veins, does the leaf curl, is the leaf thin or fat, shiny or dull, does it have hairs? Are the branches grey or brown or red barked, are the flowers in spikes or are they little blobs, how many flowers are there and from which part of the plant do they grow, the petiole? one on a leaf, 2? Are they leaves? It's actually quite fun to really get in there and examine each part of the plant and rule out one by one - eventually you're left with just a couple that match what you're looking at. The glossary of a plant book or an online botanical glossary is your best friend when it comes to acacia id's - you need to know what a petiole, axil, funicle etc are... Pick an acacia from World Wide Wattle and then read up on each word - eventually you can see they're saying things like: Its got a long leaf on a stem that has straight flowers growing out where the 3 veined leaf joins the stem - whallah. If you ask the forum: There's an acacia near me, I think it's X because it has a gland, is glabrous, with a short axil, the flowers are spiked and sessile and the seed has a funnicle in a curled pod - you'll get an instant answer Edit: Here's a head start - probably best to choose an acacia then look up the words rather than learn all the words, you'll only need 10 or so words to effectively read the acacia descriptions. http://eflora.library.usyd.edu.au/glossary
  22. IndianDreaming

    don't cha hate it when..

    Dchiw: You're out admiring your plants, you notice new growth! In your excitement you bend down for a closer look and gouge your eye out on a bamboo stake...
  23. Maybe see if you can find the solar gear second hand or free - if you keep an eye out something might come up. Some house being demolished with panels or something...
  24. IndianDreaming

    Junkie or no?

    'Full blown' junkies, sure - probably not the friendliest of folk to invite over for coffee - my comments above are about people labelled as junkies that aren't 'full blown' - I find it hypocritical of an average Joe to label a recreational drug user a 'junkie' - when most people I've met in my entire life are addicted to one thing or another. It's the pot calling the kettle black. Yes, I've met full blown junkies, and even watched as one of my school friends went all the way down, past stealing from his family, robbing his friends, bashing people for money and eventually into the grave. I have a few ex-friends that are on the same path with ice now. The fella on heroin knew what was happening even though he couldn't or wouldn't stop it, the ice heads are oblivious to it even happening, they think they're fine, even when they have boils on their face, scabs all over their bodies, twitches and teeth falling out - they appear not to notice.
  25. IndianDreaming

    Giveaway with a twist

    Professor Plumb did it in the library with the candlestick... everything you've heard is a hoax.