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The Corroboree


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About curaezipirid

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  • Birthday 23/07/1968

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  • Interests
    comparative religious studies
    and homeopathy and screen media and art therapy

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About Me

Nothing too important or special to say for myself is more my usual way than my last 8 years of writing strings of words that are a kind of a, . . . what do they call that,"channeling", or some such bulldust wannabe-something-you-are-not, kind of a manner.  Umm, in fact I seem to still now be in an aftermath of walking out only two mushie trips inside one month, in England (Ribblehead and London), in 1990.  Had one of those "being stoned isn't going away" experiences second time, and, well, I just thought, "this is my bad luck to have to live out my own consequences".  I'd been reading Bruce Chatwin's Songlines, and John Pilger's A Secret Country, so got home safe and sound.  Also, previously, I had happened to be at a traditional indigenous Corroboree at Kurnell in Sydney at 25-6th January 1988.  A Corroboree that a lot of traditional indigenous men and their families, had travelled a long way to be making.  So I count myself among the more fortunate of Australians, in that those old men took note of me showing every sign bar black skin of having indigenous ancestors myself, (although without official on paper historic records, and without needing say so in general), and so my head had already been reallocated less socio-pathic beliefs than many of my peers who also have had contact with indigenous acquaintances.  I even got given proper permission (with rules intact thankfully) to use Pituri-as-in-Duboisia-hopwoodii, within the true tradition. And that the "channelling" as it got called in the Western paradigm, was moreso a kind of understanding of a Dreamtime selfhood I inhabit, within indigenous worldview, is kind of too inexplicable outside of that worldview, to be particularly safe for anybody else outside the traditional cultural comprehension of how.

These days I am somewhat skilled at exorcisms, but prefer to do so via the hard slog of prescribing homeopathic remedies.  Any questions about homeopathy, feel free to direct at me.  Don't be shy of looking me up online via https://curaezipirid.net/ where your suspicions might risk being corroborated, and hopefully your positive understandings will be moreso re-invigorated.  I keep that website and a linked one there now, both going to serve the needs of anybody whose dreams converge with my own, and who might like a story or two to integrate something or other through.
