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Posts posted by Rev
A wicking bed is easy to make. Just a bucket with scrap bits of pipe and some media
Smoke water.. fancy name for Bong water isn’t it ;) can you find a way to make a Bong
i wonder if a cheap vaccuum from vinnies can be repurposed as a suction for a Bong burning leaves
Its good to try to integrate the local.
after which, use what has the characteristics that are best suited to Agroforestry. They should grow fast and produce a lot of biomass'
then they should be able to recover quickly from severe pruning and defoliation, like total canopy removal to a Pollard.
Suckering species are a bit annoying, unless youre running silvopasture with Goats and then is a benefit
Acacia maidenii is a crazy suckering beast but it still works for me. if i dont like a sucker where it is i just hit it with the machete and put the biomass next to a Tree i want to grow
well, for one, its not necessary to cut all the Gorse in order to use Acacia to step it up. just cutting strips to enable the Acacia to to be planted and use the slash as mulch. At the same time put in whatever will succeed the Acacia, for example Bunya nuts or Plum pines or some kind of temperate Forest climax species. If shade is the Gorses nemesis then the strips at the correct interval will cause it to weaken. This way you could do a large area while minimising the effort.
consider the alternative, a barren hill. its much harder to get the life going from a thin soil and little to no organic matter than with gorse alongside helping you
Prickly pear is also an ally. we just need the right tools to handle it. they make a really good boundary plant and nurse plant for species that are sensitive to fire and grazing.
we could see a field of prickly pear as a lot of work, and it is, but think on the timescale of living here on this land for 100,000 years and its really nothing but a phase. Pricklypear can protect trees from grazing when they are young, then we come through and cut the Cacti.
we are only just beginning to see Tools and mechanised options for this form of management. Pole chainsaws, front end brush mulchers, portable wood chippers
I've just ordered fresh seed from the USA
my plant is a clone from the plant that was in Lismore at the Herb garden at Southern Cross University. That plant is now gone due to construction in that corner of the gardens
Anyway, surprised no mention of it here
its super compatible with Ethnonotanicals
All the Acacias are easy to integrate. Acacia maidenii is a good very long term canopy species and i'm working with establishing Avocado, Citrus and medicinal gingers underneath
I'm going to start using Brugs as Biomass plants in place of weedy Solanum.
Who knows maybe PC will reinvent itself as a biomass crop in semi arid regions
) cut off a log and chop it up to build soil for your Dryland Bush tucker
Prior to coming onto this is was doing some larger scale work with FMNR methods , which in practice are a lot like SA.
it changed some key perceptions.
I'm no longer frustrated at any weeds, and im seeing the world through a different Lens.
Now the weeds are all my friends, id no longer attempt to fight with them, rather just look forward to the next order of succession and put in place seed of a common goal.
like if you had a Lantana and Camphor thicket, id never spray again nor even try to eradicate it. id put in place seedlings of Climax rainforest species and then work with the lantana and camphor by pruning to take it to that level, much much faster than planting climax species on barren land
every "weed" is now just an ally for me and my blade and the emerging forest
not at all.
they are only superficially similar, at a glance, in that they both involve Agroforestry.
Successional agroforestry is process based approach to living systems
Permaculture is an ethical design based approach to living systems
both are very compatible, but not at all the same. I've been practicing permaculture based approaches for 26 years. I love it
but in the Syntropic model i've found a richness i feel was missing from the Permaculture teachings.
Permaculture is great for deciding that an area is a good place for the design element of forest or food forest, but the Syntropic model is a process based model of how to get there
in that sense the Permaculture model can be too static. 2 dimensional or at most 3D. But the Syntropic model is 4 Dimensional and very dynamic allowing the site itself to channel the evolution from low levels of complexity and productivity through to higher states of being
I would still use Permaculture to assemble my team, but then in the Syntropic flow i take a step back to become part of the intelligence of the macroorganism, in which i play a role but i am no longer the designer.
On 12/03/2021 at 12:58 PM, DarkSoul said:
can you please elaborate the origin of this plant?
I have True P incarnata growing wild for the last decade on my land, but sets no fruits, due to lack of cross pollination
i need a different clone.
probably means seed import
On 10/07/2019 at 9:36 AM, Mosh said:
Hemp has negligible quantities of CBD, it's Cannabis derived CBD you want
that is simply not true at all.
First Hemp IS Cannabis
secondly the Hemp strains contain mostly CBD and can do so in quantities equivalent to THC in commercial cannabis.
the only drawback to most hemp would be its Monoecious character, as Cannabis down regulates resin production once pollinated and Mono Hemp pollinates itself early on
Well a Wicking bed would do what you are asking would it not?
Well i've been working with traditional tropical farmers for the better part of the last decade and i have seen nothing resembling these concepts being applied.
They have the plants, and the tools, and some of the knowledge. but they don't apply it in any organised practical way like this.
as far as i can tell it is truly novel in terms of its organising principles
there is quite a bit of essentially monoculture traditional farming.
Rice fields, Wheat, Potato , Olive groves, Apple orchards, Vinyards.
theres far more interesting obscure herbs to be tried than the initial list
if you live north of vic and want cool climate wild herbs
head west
the spine of the dividing range spikes the distribution far far north - into queensland
looking macroscopically the temperate zone extend even to java and new guinea along the spine of mountain ranges
figs in genera; occupy realms of significance only otherwise held by psychoactives or staple foods
to b so important a plant had better be bloody useful and impressionaby so
I suspect F religiosa and F benghalensis among others have more the share in the long term
sorry this is an old post
i dont belong here anymore
please refer to
if any current trades exist
no yrichs atm but B x flava due tomorrow...
thye are def about
try higher altitude SE qld and Far NNSW
Auracaria and pinus forest
whats wrong with cardboard?
have you never eaten a snag at a suasage sizzle before?
global warming is occurring
does it matter?
the response is the same
it irks me that weve been watching a downhill slide of our environmnet nearly 500 years
and now in 2007 everyone gets precious about just one aspect
yes - conserving energy is good
yes all teh shite they recommend ins response is good
but it doesnt make the reasoning right
going green makes sense even without GW- simple economics shows we save money if we are efficient
and the world is in less political turmoil if we arent fighting over oil , or coal , or uranium deposits
so waht with all this fucking time wasting thats been going on?
if they hedge all the public goodwill on an impnding doomsday that is shown to be false theyll squander sentimnet forever
like WMD
all bullshit
nice intent
bullshit reasons
= lost confidence
ive grown mine from 3 to 10 tubercules since 2004
and its accelerating
its lets say..(looking at it now)
avergae 5cm across, not incl projected tubercules
and 5-6 years old from seed
a retusus that is
it cost me $4 in 2004
they are FAR FAR easier to grow than lophs
very very easy in fact - just keep up the sahde and humidity when young
seed cost
imprted seed quality (shite)
difficulty to peresk graft
and CITES costs
are the things that keep cost high
if i had my own seed in abundance - theyd be as cheap as a bunnings lobivia
so can you clear this up?
i have all 3 of gurunas anadenatheras- and there is definite morphological difference
but are you instead referring to the tree we stood under?
Syntropic or Successional Agroforestry
in Sustainable Technologies & Ethical Living
Its great to be back
ive spent the last decade in Indonesia working in Sustainable development developing
) and in Forest restoration
im back, till hopefully i can get to West Papua in October for the mother of all projects.
till then im back in my old haunts, but also be teaching near Mullum
still love my magic plants, but now im serious about integrating them into the big picture.
food and medicine forests, building soil, building livelihoods, healing people and planet