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Posts posted by withdrawl clinic
On 25/10/2021 at 10:53 AM, Enjaytee said:
Ok @Yves0071 I’m after M.turcomanica in particular. I’ll keep looking. Thanks for your response.
@withdrawl clinic yes lagochilus is an absolute pain to grow in oz from what I understand. This one would be getting grown in uk in a controlled environment.
i managed to grow it for a while, even in the semi tropics, i posted about it with pics a long time ago (2007??)
as well i have encountered a few fake lago seeds, and even sprouted them, to find out which plant they came from, but i could not id the plant.
those fake seeds were sold with malicious intent, just to make money!
they were much bigger than the real lago seeds.
you mention the uk, so my source is quite close to you, it was an ethnoshop located in vienna called querbeet!
good luck, lago would be a herb i would use once in a while, as i realy liked it!
On 10/02/2021 at 10:12 PM, Enjaytee said:
I’m looking for some Mandragora turcomanica & Lagochilus inebrians seeds.
or any other interesting Lagochilus...
L. cabulicus
L. platyacanthus
L. platycalyx
anyone have a source?
i once purchased lagochilus herb, from a trader in europe (was quite cheap) and removed the seeds which, came with the package.
they germinated well, this plant, is not possible to cultivate in most parts of oz. it's native to turkmenistan, a cold climat country.
might grow well in the alpine regions of oz, and tas.
i like lagochilus, the home grown herb was more potent than the purchased herb, which might suggest it doesn't store well...
On 16/10/2021 at 4:57 PM, ZooL said:
It can still spread even if everyone was vaccinated it will just spread faster among those who aren't, being vaccinated will lower the chance you will get infected if exposed but won't prevent it.
wc said: covid - 19
no effective vaccinations will be found
can you explain to me why, the case numbers are still climbing, although, those states have managed to double vax ~80% of there population ??!
i am double vaxxed, and i still get head aches and ringing in the ears, since 11 weeks, thx astra zeneca!
as well the soles of my feet are hurting frequently, and for days after the two shots, ther was a little bit of blood when i blew my nose.
head aches and titnitis since 10 weeks, and now they tell us, i can still get covid.
if anybody knows, who could help me or who to hold responsible, let me know, thx.
just for the sake of posting, i want to add that caapi is amazingly drought hardy, they might loose all there leaves, but have survived long spells of dry, it's said.
yep drainage is a big issue!
qat can die, or at least get serious die back from watter logged conditions.
at some places, this might only happen once in 15 years or so (tropical storm).
you should always plant them out, even if you rent, many rentals at the norhern rivers, come with ther established catha edulis plant!
if you rent, plant out into the open (well drained locations) and take cuttings right away, and keep mthem in pots, so you still got the plant when you move on.
the growth rate is so many times bigger, plantedf out, and they are easier to keep happy.
hmm, well i agree that, flowering caapi has to do with the photo period.
my garden is right bang at, the tropic of capricorn and none, of my banisteriopsis have ever flowered.
i might add that, the caapi going round 20 years ago, was proly less, eager to flower than, a recent plant making round's, which might be called "cielo".
cielo might flower more easely than the old strain...
sab member, have posted here, pics of there caapi flowers!!
i haven't read this topic for a while, but want' to share that:
as an over 60, i got the az and as a result, i got headaches from it, since 5 weeks, another side effect is tinitis.
now, i have to face the 2nd shot, and i am scared it could make my head ache worse, plus the "ringing" in my ears...
i want people to get the jab, but the first trials were done, with a very subjective manor!
i was told no body experienced tinitis, after 25.000 trials.
but now, suddenly a lot of people do.
On 07/09/2021 at 8:54 PM, Buttsack said:
Looking for mature green or NL catha for sale or trade.
catha that was a few years old, forgot to water it for a week and needed a repot but was planning on putting it in the ground. Leaves were all crispy by the time I realized and all have fallen off
catha edulis, is very hardy, it would survive, weeks without water..., in the ground or in pots...
but if you, let her down, regarding caring for her, she might, have, experienced, "baked the soil", because of to much sun exposure.
i play hard ball with my qat, so doesn't matter, i can always can get a new one, no, NO, noooo
learn to provide for nature, and not to need to replentish, from insecure sources!!
On 11/07/2021 at 10:50 AM, Boof said:
So the NL khat I up-potted about 8 weeks ago and have been daily placing on the deck railing in the sun and putting under cover at night, got chewed off at the base, every sucker and shoot, by a cockatoo this morning. Was looking fantastic too, had put on some size, new suckers, beautiful tips. Really annoyed. I made cuttings within 10 minutes or so of it occurring, but I dunno how good I am with that. First time for everything I guess
great to hear the cocka2 had a great time, with the nl.
not far away, from my place i got a very big white cockadudel colony, hosting in a giant ficus benjamina, but they never bother my plants.
i guess the cockatoo, saw you, working with your plant, and as such "had a go".
in short you inspired this bird, to take notice,
of the nl, but that bird is smart enough, to let the nl, go as well, over time.
boof, i hope you feel. privileged, by this bird taking notice of your, "gardening actions"!
i have called the hot line to get the covid jab, 4 times already, 1st 2 times i was told no, pfizer 4 you, because you are 60 yaers old.
the last 2 times, i could not even get through, the COVID HOTLINE IS, MAXED OUT, AND AS SUCH NO GOOD, TO OUR, SOCIETY!
On 10/07/2021 at 1:54 AM, Halcyon Daze said:
I heard it can be a handy sub for caapi vine. I wouldn't worry too much about losing yours, there'll be more and more available over time. We just need to find a local seed source really
yeah, i agree.
but good, to tell the crowed, about my troubles, with this plant.
it's was not easy to grow for me.
i'm hopefull, seed grown plant's might be not having wilting disease problems.
this is a plant, which i argue is not covered by the "blanket law".
i think, people here understand plant herbs (and definately, passilflora incarnata) better than the people who "run" LET'S SAY CHEMIST WAREHOUSE, AND OTHER PHARMAS...
On 07/07/2021 at 4:05 PM, Northerner said:
When I'm tripping is the only time my tinnitus ever stop. Even with alkaloids that induce tinnitus like sounds on the come up it settles to silence once I'm in the swing of it. It's actually quite a relief, then a disappointment when it comes back. A few times I have thought it was cured, but no.
i feel for you.
good discussion here, thx 4 all the input.
i would have loved to grow this plant, but is not to be, i can't work out why...
so let me side track, i love incarnata, because it's said to be a mild moi, and many sleep aids (mostly in europ) feature, incarnata.
but instead of going wild, like i hoped, like a passion fruit, you grow in "oz", she acted tricky.
i believe passsion flowers have great potential, and are not fully understood yet, by the human animal.
for examle, let me say, as follows, when i was still, hooked on nico smokes, eating passion fruits, would stopp, my craving for baccy, for a while!
the one i recieved, died on me.
it showed symptoms of wilting disease.
my plant looked reasonably healthy, but showed chlorosis, after the first cold night, she displayed wilting syndrome,
now, she is dead.
maybe it was fusarium which killed my specimen, or similar.
in other words, incarnata is very sensitive to fungal/bacterial actions in the soil, which get amplyfied, my the return of the cod season....
you know i'm happy to remember that, there are, sab members, which, correctly diagnosed tinnitus, for topic starters, and as such helped meber(s) with this condition.
i got it as well as times, and now since years, i never lissent, to loud music, or machinery..., again nowadays, "it" doesn't happen that often.
i'm lucky my tinnitus is mild, some people killed themselves because of the, constant ringing in the ears.
industrial workers, and musos are prone to it, my tip, "stopp dancing in front of the loud speakers, if attending a gig"!!!
there is no cure!
On 26/06/2021 at 4:42 AM, migraineur said:
I really want to get my hands on iboga and then propagate it using tissue culture. I've been looking for journal articles on the recipes and techniques used for the micropropagation of iboga.
that would be awesome, because iboga, is a almost impossible cutting to strike.
i managed once to strike a cutting, though...
dividing plants is the easiest methode, so maybe this means root division using tissue culture.
thx 4 your replies, and the "where and when", will be worked out in given time, i'm sure it will happen, because i basicly get inspired by the late andyamine...
side track, i just returned from a short trip to the anakie gem fields, and i managed to collect some native coca seeds.
pm me and i send 3 letters out, to who ever is interressted.
i thought of this for many years, but only post now, about it...
i am getting old, and would like to pass on knowledge, at my home.
with this post, i invite sab mebers to vistit me at my home, and we can have a good time and exchange knowledge!
reply to this post, if you interrested, but use the pm to contact me or work out details.
WHEN: time will tell.
WHERE: close to rocky.
HOW: maybe best to be in a smallish group, you could camp in my big garden. maybe even roll a swag, in my house. if you fly in, i can pick you up at the airport in rocky.
hi, ph7!
i overlooked your reply till, just now, but i'm happy to say, somebody pm'd me and i recieved plenty of those seeds, a while ago.
propably thats why, i stopped checking this thread for answeres.
when i reply to a post or start one, i allways remind myselfe, "have i forgotten something, to say".
like when you go on holydays, and you know, only once you start driving, you remember, what you forgott.
so , my dad, used to drive around the block and, his methode worked, well, well, he was in the war!
so if you post, circle for a while, before hitting that reply button...
so i say, if you are looking for something, "give it time" as this thread seems to suggest.
it took months to score, but i expected instant gratification, hehe.
sab, rocks, hail, hail to sab!
my arios used to produce heaps of seeds, but haven't done so, since quite a few years.
they, flowered not long ago, and i hand exchanged pollen a watered them more than i have in the past.
maybe i will get lucky again.
yeah, my bad for coming on so strong.
i read your post like" we got so many psychotrias, we had to introduce a number system".
for me it's easier to remeber names like andromeda galaxy, instead of m33...
maybe i can find a post which described 3 chacrunas, our most common (forgot the name), shibipo, and moon.
i wonder which of your numbers relate to, the former named?
good luck, topic starter show off!
numbers, don't relate to me.
but names do, i have 3 different chacrunas, but don't expect, my input.
nexus? thank god you know it's crap, proly you learned that from me!
i used dried searls seed raising mix as medium.
and to avoid the sections from, moving i, simply leaned them against the rim of the pots.
i might add that, i was very unlucky at times with my pedros, as once i rented out my place, and when i came back all my pedros had dissapeared...
ran mover over my favorit plant,can you replace it?
in Wanted
i ran my lawn mover over my favorite plant yesterday
, and hope somebody can help me with another one.
it was sent to me as a surprise, in a barter trade.
it, would have to be a seedling, PLEASE DON'T discuss in this thread what it could be!
please pm me, if you think you can help.
i am traumatised and devastated by this event, i hope i can fix it.
love and light to all you plant lovers!