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withdrawl clinic

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Everything posted by withdrawl clinic

  1. withdrawl clinic

    Ephedra sp. cultivation notes and discussion

    i want to add that i hold this believe, for most other psychotropic plants as well. and allowes me to bitch, against the established paradime regarding drugs. some of those alkaloids, which get removed or, don't excist in a synthetic product, are often not understood, with somniferium, they stop you from using too much, with coca they make you a bit calm.... humans are soo convinced they can do it better than nature, but the opposite is the case. this thinking will destroy earth.
  2. withdrawl clinic

    Ephedra sp. cultivation notes and discussion

    sagi, you make a very good point here, and one that was hard for me to get right, for a long time, for some plants with similar requirements. tort, once said overwatering a plant can kill it fast, but underwatering will not, one can always just increase the water regime, when needed. some plants are tricky and need, excatly what you suggested. as well, i believe that some wilting diseases living in the soil, can get encouraged by bad watering regimes. i am sorry to say, i stopped using pseudo ephedrin in pill form, as it now gives my tachicardia, a pitty, because it was the only otc pill, that helped, my hayfever/globus. all other stuff promoted by the pharmacies, was usless, how can they make claims which are not true for many people, the TGA sucks!!
  3. withdrawl clinic

    Fresh vine cuttings

    yep, i have the same problem, in my case it chokes a callistemon. that vine is very labour intensive, unless you can let it go wild. it's a monster which need s a big garden, and rather plant away from the house...
  4. withdrawl clinic

    The good vibes generator

    @fancypants, i have the feeling you are quite good with the topic quantom physics, which i can't even spell correctly, haha. i watch heaps of youtube videos, in that genre, and i am a very slow learner... i believe higgs particles will decay, and gravity will size to excist, and before the big bang was another universe, which cycles. maybe the big bang is a white hole. fp, one of my all time favs is sabine hossenfelder, she changed me from suporting dark matter and dark energy, to super fluids and modyfied gravity. one of her clips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl-iyuSw9KM
  5. withdrawl clinic

    The Hyperbolic Geometry of DMT

  6. withdrawl clinic

    The Hyperbolic Geometry of DMT

    thats a good link, fyzygy, i've learned. i remebered something else, now and i am sooo happy because i found references. feynman, pupils steinhardt (now a senior sienticst) discoverd the "impossible", sorry he even got a nobel.... i don't know if i will find the youtube clip), but it's about, how feynman changed his view, about steinhardt's discovery of impossible crystal structures. what i say is, we can learn a lot of dmt, thats why the smartest people in the world know it (caltech fermilab and co), we are in good company!. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00026-y the following link, is not the one i watched but i looks a similar video.
  7. withdrawl clinic

    Catha edulis

    green is actually quite rare, and it's often traded as vienna white. allthough, i introduced this plant to oz, i culled the mother plant, because of the blanket law. why don't you buy, a pink catha, from the shaman australis shop?
  8. withdrawl clinic

    The good vibes generator

    yeah, glaukus i know what you are refering to. i think it's very sientific, to know of one principle, and than try to find out if it can be, a factor under different cirumstances. some particles are at two locations at the same time, and so far it's believed by the smartest people, that only the action of, observing the particle makes it appear. i remember an experiment, where a very distant quasar was used as the random generator, because all systems on earth (generating random pulses), would be already quantum linked.
  9. withdrawl clinic

    The good vibes generator

    nice post, fancy pants. with most healing, as with the above written, it;s the power of the mind, which seems to be the major factor. i have read a lot over the years about faith healing, and shamans do the same, with plants or without. i watched for example a lot about bruno groening, and i try to be a very sientific person. i wondered if, this web site could be used for some trials, and if the data gained could give more insights into this phenomena. my brain is slack, today, but the bottom line of, this research would be two groups, one that knows, healing vibes are being sent, and one who doesn't know if they get "good vibes sent". as well, you could ask for good vibes, if you have an important test, or have to face a situation which would fill you with a lot of anxiety. it seems that, very serious conditions can;t be healed, by distant healing. now i wan't to make a point that i totally oppose healers, that are after money and power. maybe i can come up with a format, or better somebody else how to test, if the good vibes generator has some merit.
  10. withdrawl clinic

    Caapi in a bubble cloner

    yep, overkill... caapii is a very easy cutting, and the shape of the cutting is more important than the methode. caapii is probagated the best by heeled cuttings, but will strike by most other means as well.
  11. withdrawl clinic

    Pronouncing 'pachanoi'

    many names of "all the kingdoms" originate from non latin backrounds. and the rule is they get "latinised". so for example, in latin words end with an double ii, most people, forget that and use only one i. let me sidetrack a bit, because the ch is a very interresting thing overall. think of the finace advisor from channel 7, he's name is koch. for obvious reasons, he doesn't want to be called kock. so if you have watched tv and he get's mentioned, thats what you have to use as a ch in pachanoi. the issue is that, one has to learn as a child, how to make all those different sounds, of your language, and it's quite a challange to learn new sounds later in life. (this fact often triggers racism in under educated people) so one has to go easy, latin plant names are though a 100% necassary, becaus they are unique and colloquial terms are not. i cop it at times twice, from some uneducated people, once for my accent, and second for using latin terms for trees for example....
  12. withdrawl clinic

    Pronouncing 'pachanoi'

    no, no we are getting nowhere with this. your conclusion, try your best with your own native ling as quide is totaly wrong. the pc i am using doesent have a speaker, so i cant go this avenue, but i try a different approach. LOOK ther is a big difference in how scots and welsh, pronounce the ch featured in pachanoi, compared to the rest of english speakers. that goes back to the galic language.... pachanoi gets pronouced in latin like a scott pronouces the ch, in loch ness. my family name has a ch in the middle, and ozzy and english, turn it into a ck, but scotts and many asians pronouce my name correctly, like a galic english speaker. that is an observation i made when called, from a waiting room, those people having never heard my name before. english speakers don't have this ch sound in there lingo, so fair enough if you pronounce it packanoi. BUT TO CLAIM IT'S THE CORRECT PRONOUNCIATION, IS WRONG!! THIS IS A VERY TOUCHY SUBJECT FOR ME, AS I SPEAK english with an accent, and uneducated people at times correct me, but on the same tokken, they don't speak any foreign language, and all the german you hear at the big bang theory or at dokus are totaly inaudible. but used as a means to create the illusion, they can speak german and how good they are. pisses me off totaly. ther are exceptions though, like stephan fry, whos german words are pretty well spoken. if i use the term vorfreude, i have to say it incorrectly so englis people understand me. telling me how to say panzer and jugendstil, i can only scratch my head...
  13. withdrawl clinic

    Pronouncing 'pachanoi'

    i had only 2 years of latin in school and forgot most. latin and english clash a lot, and german does'nt. the way you pronounce in german works for latin. i can get quite upset with the latin used by most of the gardening australia people, because it's very wrong. oo gets spelled oh in latin, and most english speakers don't know that oo pronouced u is a english thing only. the problem with pachanoi is the ch which should be pronounced something like huch, like in german. i use and try to learn 2 ways of latin names one for the english speakers and one for latin speakers, but i get upset, if people claim the english is the right way. another thing is, that there is even a norm how to writte latin terms, but i can't show you because i don't know how to change the font. Homo neanderthalensis, second term allways small letter. https://www.britannica.com/science/taxonomy/The-Linnaean-system


    reply me with your postal,


    if you have bottom heat, i could send you seeds as well.


    have a good one,


  15. withdrawl clinic

    Ephedra sp. cultivation notes and discussion

    i think, one can't give advice to ephedras in general, as they come from very different latitudes and climatic zones because of elevation. some grow in the desert, like nevandesis. some high up in the alps like helvetia. some grow close to the seashores. asking, 'might a saucer help', could be answered with yes, for some plants, under some circumstances and no for others. many ephedras i did grow at my location died, either because, they did not like the extreem heat, or it was not cold enough for them. sagi's location allows many ephedras to flourish, whilst mine favors only a few. one thing is for sure, they all like good drainage, and can die after heavy rain causes water to remain in a spot. those ephedras grew the fastes in my garden, but monsoonal rains killed them after 5 years. btw, the university botanical garden in vienna has some minimas which set seed regularly, they got as well a helvetia (sorry to use this term) but i never seen fruit on it. ephedras are living fossils, and even more special than ginko biloba, we can learn a lot about evolution when studying ephedras. WE NEED TO PROTECT THOSE EPHEDRAS, EVEN IF THE LAWS SAY WE HAVE TO DESTROY THEM. FUTURE GENERATIONS WILL HAIL OUR FORSIGHT!!! i don't think fragilis and major are the same. my 2m tall big plants are maybe 16-17 years old and at least one of them came from some seeds torsten did sell via his shop. a very good methode to get an idea about ephedras is to taste them. i once did this at kew gardens, which do have a very big ephedra collection, you can test, one ephedra sample every 15 min or so. take a few stalks and chew them thorougly, watch out for taste sensation and effects. i believe that ephedra alkaloids have never been investigated in detail, and many surprises and discoveries will be made by future genarations. i suffer from hayfever and globus sensation, ephedrin is only one of very few substances that can help me. unfortunately the tga and lawmakers, don't care if ther restrictions of ephedrin, causes me suffering. they believe the alternatives are even better, but they ar useless for me. if you suffer from a condition where ephedrin is the best, than good luck of recieving help. all doctors get brain washed by the pharmas, and are delusional when it comes to many drugs. they think, IF IT CAN BE A DRUG THAT CAN GET ABUSED, IT HAS TO BE A BAD DRUG!! THOSE IDIOTS. EDUCATE, DON'T MAKIE IT ILLEGAL!! I DON'T USE EPHEDRIN OFTEN, DON'T EVEN LIKE IT, AS IT GIVES ME AT TIMES TRACHYCARDIA. I AM LOOKING FOR EPHEDRA SINICA SEEDS, I HAD A GOOD SIZE PLANT, BUT RAN THE MOWER OVER IT, and it did not come back.
  16. withdrawl clinic

    What's happening at Wandjina Gardens / SAB Nursery

    i culled my ph as it was growing to big, and didn't want the hassle anymore. there are some people on this forum trading the ph once in a while.
  17. withdrawl clinic

    What's happening at Wandjina Gardens / SAB Nursery

    hi, lou! the cathas in the pic, are what we call the red strain. i named the vienna white, the planthelper, and started calling some x pollinated strains pinks. the red strain originated from wa, and the property owner of one of those trees in wa, became even a member here for a while. he found sab, because he investigated why some people, tresspassed his garden and kept pruning his red catha. the vienna white, comes from the university botanical gardens in vienna, it was sourced originally, from yemen. the narrow leaved, comes from trees in the royal botanical gardens sydney, and a tree in tarango zoo. rumours say it was confiscated by the border patrol. the plant helper is a x cross between a narrow leaved and a vienna white, it displays good hybreed vigor. once all those plants got established, many cross polinated seeds got produced and traded. the pinks are one of those open pollinated breeds. there are as well, narrow leaved semi reds, and planthelper pinks and many intermidiates. yemen bosts, to have hundreds of different strains. we got as well at some stage seeds from south africa, but some description of his seeds were incorrect.... hope that helps. broad leaved qat makes an easy cutting, narrow leaved qat, does not strike well from cuttings, but produces suckers. those suckers can be used, to produce easy cuttings as well. but once the narrow leaved plant stops producing leaves in a spiral fashion, the abilety to take cuttings from those plants diminishes. if you start of with a nl sucker, and often take cuttigs from it, this action will slow down the aging process to some degree. madragora took cuttings of mature narroleaved plants, where a young side shoot is formed, and had good success, but she was an above average probagator. if you want manny nl's you might just propagate from seed. if there are many other cathas around, than some to all seedlings could be cross pollinated. so choose narrow leaved seeds from an isolated tree.
  18. withdrawl clinic

    After Kratom or similar in Aus for my wife who has Fibro and chronic pain

    it's a very virgorous plant, you could haverest it after 3 years. there is a saying, in thailand, if your boyfriend smokes weed, don't marry him, if he chews kratom, marry him, he will work! and don't worry there are a few trees growing, in oz.
  19. 1, many and some suckers emerged just 30 cm away from the original plant, this plant i think is fragilis and it has a bluish color. 2, both plants sucker away from the original seedling, but the major does sucker even meters away from the main plant. it's more greenish in color. i have removed many suckers, i hope to upload a pic in given time.
  20. sagi, i will have a look, but pics are difficult for me, and last time years ago, i got an upload error. but i will try. one thing i know without inspecting the plants, is they have a different colour and different habit of young growth, major has straight leaves (are the called leaves?) and the suspected fragilis slighly bend (sicle shaped).
  21. i got 3 plants, one is tall and is certainly an e. major. the other one is very tall as well, and the seed came from spain, maybe a fragilis the facilitator said, but could be distachia, he said. if size rules out this beeing, a distachya, than that helps me with a correct id attempt. does fragilis grow tall?
  22. withdrawl clinic

    Areca catechu seeds?

    there are 4 palms of this kind, in my botanical garden, and only one has ripe seeds on it, i have to get lucky to pick up some fallen ones. other people pick them up to, and at times, the whole bunch dissapeared from one day to the other. i don't remeber what i did in the past when i germinated them (they died after a mild frost allthough shelterd on the balcony) but i would take the husk off and scarifie the seed coat.
  23. withdrawl clinic

    Sceletium tortuosum - kanna cutting wanted

    can't help with a pic, as it's very labor intensive for me to upload pics, and i got last time, i tried a massive upload error. so i stopped posting pics (i got no mobile). i think to remember that, you asked me once for seeds, i managed to sprout one seed, and can send you many cutting of this plant. it's of the strain that, is lees likely to form seed, i call it the ed strain, it's been around for a long time. the other strain i call darcy strain, as he indroduced this strain, it forms seeds easely, you maybe could source this plant from herbalistics, in case the still are trading. drop me a pm and i send you cuttings.
  24. what a beautifull area, with flowers and cypress pines... all the ephedras on your pics are very small, obviously regrowth after a fire (or fires). i would look now for, plants which did not had to endure fires, an ephedra of your kind grows up to 2m tall after 15 years. btw, i am seeking e. sinica seeds, i grew once a plant and it flourished but got killed, by an overly zelous lawmover operator (me).
  25. withdrawl clinic

    Areca catechu seeds?

    maybe i can help you. it needs frost free climat, to grow.