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The Corroboree

Variegated: yay or nay?


Lophophora diffusa var. fricii "El Amparo" var. Albiflora on regular pereskiopsis (left), and williamsii on Pereskiopsis aquosa a.k.a Jumbo pere (right).


What's your opinion on the fricii, variegated or nah?

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MeanGreen's Ethnobotanical Garden

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I'd call it chlorophyl deficient at the very least and from the looks of it you should be able to maintain that type true to form. However, I also note a little darker green areas so... technically variegated.

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I think you're right, I'm just pretty surprised because I don't remember it looking pale/albino when I grafted it, I think it was just the healthiest of the bunch.


Grafting is amazing, I definitely understand your passion for it Inyan.

Here are its neglected siblings as of today, what a difference!



And the same grafts back in October:


Edited by MeanGreen
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Some of my best variegate seedlings came from seedlings I honestly had no idea were variegated until after they had been grafted for a few weeks and started back that rapid growth phase... i.e. approximately 3-4 weeks after being grafted. You have quite a collection my friend. No doubt due to your own ability to graft so well you will continue to have one of a kinds for propagation. What I like about variegates such as this... they make excellent parents for more variegated cacti. Crossing a variegate with a crested form... you'd hope to see some crested variegates, crests, and just plain variegates in the mix. How can you go wrong with that combination? Fast forward the whole  project by grafting and you could have crested variegates bred to monstrous forms in a very short time... and the madness continues.

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