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The Corroboree

1st actual Ephedra sinica seedling


The previous seedling I thought was ephedra did indeed turn out to just be a weed. But this sprouted a few days ago in a pot I had given up on and planted some Incarvillea sinensis seeds in.


I moved the Incarvillea seedlings to leave this little guy alone (well appart from the baby loph from a stray seed).

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Hahaha thanks mate, didn't even think of that, gotta sow some more.

Do you know if different ephedra species can be crossed, like sinica x nebrodensis for example?

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I dont know so much about that ,,, if it can be done but im still a noob to them (by a few months)


however i did ask this question when worried about accidental cross pollination and was assured it isn't likely and that was by SagiXsagi who told me so I;m guessing it's harder work than it looks to produce hybrids? has been done it seems though , I forget which hybrid I saw crop up in searches now but defo saw one (at least being sold as one) listed on a nursery site at some point... 


I'll bet SagiX is a better person to ask ..

Edited by ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ
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Yup thanks a lot I'll ask him, I need to check his thread & monograph first maybe the info is already in there.


You know nurseries that carry ephedra on our side of the pond? pm me a link please

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I do not believe they can be crossed easily from what I've found but Have read just like thunder above that it has been done before. I do have some E sinica seeds over here that I've yet to sow though if you're running out of those.


That plant looks beautiful and you've done a GREAT job germinating and growing it :) Keep us posted on it's progress and share some info (please) on how you pulled it off if you don't mind.

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Also I have a SHIT TON of Sida cordifolia growing volunteer from my grow a couple years ago. If you're in need of some pollen just hit me up. I'm pretty sure I'll have plenty for you to work with here in a couple of weeks by the way things are looking atm. I'm interested in seeing what you may be able to do although I HIGHLY doubt Sida pollen would work for your purpose.


Here's a pic of one I just left growing in my carrot row :P 


Edited by spacegrandmother101
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Well to be honest this ephedra seedling really was a fluke.


I planted a bunch of seeds in various pots, after a couple of weeks nothing came up, admittedly I had left most of the pots dry out, and I needed some pots for Incarvillea sinensis so I rehydrated this pot and planted the incaevillea seeds and about a week after they had sprouted this little guy came up unexpectedly.


I'm guessing maybe the drying out had something to do with it although can't say for sure, this is the only sprout out of maybe 20 seeds in about 5 different pots. I still have a bunch left though.


And very nice S. cordifolia mate! Still haven't gotten around to sprout mine, but Sagi sent me some rhombifolia recently so I'm gonna try both at the same time.

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Sweet Bro! it's great you had the luck you had and it sure is a beauty <3


Whenever you get ready to plant those Sida seeds soak them in warm water for 24 hours first and you'll see some of the seeds will swell up (to about two or 3 times their original size) and those are going to be your more viable seeds (I learned this first hand with a few experiments). Your germination rates will not be great but I imagine (with the skills I know you have) you'll end up with 3 or 4 plants out of about 100 seeds. I have hundreds over here now that seem to be literally taking over in my zone. If you want to skip the germination and all just hit me up and I'll send you a few rooted plants to save you some time and growing space :wink:



Also! Is there any types of pollen trading threads on here anywhere? Bud, Willies, Trichos and other useful plants? If not I'll try to start one because genetic diversity is important in my eyes when it comes to pollination. The other forum I was on closed my thread down before it could ever take off. Even though it was in my journal they said trading willy and bud pollen came too close to breaking the rules :angry:



Also what are the rules here for directing newcomers towards solid placed to buy seeds? Are there any sponsor or seed/plant vendor threads here yet? If not could I start one?



Sorry for all the questions I can just see that you've been active here for a while so I was hoping you'd know the ins and outs already. Plus I remember you from that other place so I got respect for ya Bro B)

Edited by spacegrandmother101
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On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 4:26 PM, ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ said:

Ceeeeelebrate good taaames C'MOWN! ## wooo hooo! 

well done man !

...... what's it like up there on level 42? :)

Hey what can I refer to you as??? Thunder work for you? Or the artist formerly known as ThunDCRMO3EORs3<3Pzilozo??? :lol:

Edited by spacegrandmother101
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you can call him horsey hehehe 


great!!!   anyone who donates ephedra stuff to meangreen or me or any in the ephedra project, thanks a lot.... blessed .... the project is able to send fresh, good seeds of foeminea and cf fragilis (foeminea)  from known locations to anyone willing to share the results with SAB and the project  




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1 hour ago, sagiXsagi said:

you can call him horsey hehehe 


great!!!   anyone who donates ephedra stuff to meangreen or me or any in the ephedra project, thanks a lot.... blessed .... the project is able to send fresh, good seeds of foeminea and cf fragilis (foeminea)  from known locations to anyone willing to share the results with SAB and the project  




I'm willing to share what I have but we need to get to it before they enter flowering and start dropping leaves. Also before October where it'll be getting too cold to send things. You guys stay in the U.S.? Just PM me to let me know and if so I'll see what I can get out to you.


BTW sagi how did you read that message? It says it's hidden and awaiting approval by a moderator. How long do I have to wait till I can just post up without having to hassle a Mod to look at everything I say?

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21 hours ago, spacegrandmother101 said:

The other forum I was on closed my thread down before it could ever take off. Even though it was in my journal they said trading willy and bud pollen came too close to breaking the rules :angry:


Yeah they really need to calm their tits with the rules at that other place, it's one of the reasons I stopped updating my growlog on there and migrated here. Extremely glad I did. Just got a warning today over there for just basically posting my trade list in the marketplace... 


I think a pollen trade thread could be cool, especially since we have quite a few amazing trich breeders here. I don't think it breaks any rules, the SAB is a lot more chill with trades and sales.


Thanks for the tips on Sida germination mate, and thank you so much for offering a plant but I'm in Europe, all 3 of us are actually.

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On 7/19/2017 at 4:05 AM, spacegrandmother101 said:

I'm willing to share what I have but we need to get to it before they enter flowering and start dropping leaves. Also before October where it'll be getting too cold to send things. You guys stay in the U.S.? Just PM me to let me know and if so I'll see what I can get out to you.


BTW sagi how did you read that message? It says it's hidden and awaiting approval by a moderator. How long do I have to wait till I can just post up without having to hassle a Mod to look at everything I say?

I wondered why I didn't see that message but did see SagiX's reply ... 


Nice to digitally greet you ! , not that far from US ... a stones throw across the pond :)


Dang sounds like you guys had an oppressive time at wherever that last place was , I hope you enjoy your stay here ... wishing you all the cool stuffs that you seek ,

*wonders* how the freck can trading pollen be a bad thing unless it's like .. pollen that got too damp and went rotten or something?

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Haha yeah, but I'm sure you know the place Horse...Hear this little rap.


It's blue,

everyone there treats you

like a newbie

it starts with "shroo"

and ends with "mery",

It might seem cute

but it's not too merry... :bootyshake:


(Too much weed sorry guys)


Their argument is that if people sell or trade stuff on the forums (especially prints), it detracts sales from their beloved paying sponsors. And I can understand that but it's the way they enforce it that's ridiculous.

I don't think any of their sponsors sells pollen of anything though but fuck logic, right?

Edited by MeanGreen
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i suppose I am seeing your posts because I have some moderator rights as the head of the monographs project. 


we are in europe, we would love to have fresh seed from any of ephedra species from the us! 

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On ‎7‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 6:42 AM, MeanGreen said:

Haha yeah, but I'm sure you know the place Horse...Hear this little rap.


It's blue,

everyone there treats you

like a newbie

it starts with "shroo"

and ends with "mery",

It might seem cute

but it's not too merry... :bootyshake:


(Too much weed sorry guys)


Their argument is that if people sell or trade stuff on the forums (especially prints), it detracts sales from their beloved paying sponsors. And I can understand that but it's the way they enforce it that's ridiculous.

I don't think any of their sponsors sells pollen of anything though but fuck logic, right?

Lol nice lil rap Bro :) I wasn't even trying to sell anything I was just offering free pollen or to trade for other folks pollen. They also shut down the link in my sig leading to a thread where I asked people to share links for cactus sites that were trustworthy and good people to buy from >:( So yea I was sharing a list and asking for a list of cacti and cacti seed vendors but hidden inside my journal where (by there rules) I can do whatever I want. The "mery" is just a sponsor whore :P 

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On ‎7‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 8:43 AM, sagiXsagi said:



i suppose I am seeing your posts because I have some moderator rights as the head of the monographs project. 


we are in europe, we would love to have fresh seed from any of ephedra species from the us! 

Makes a lot of sense :) Since you can see them. If I post something that's wrong or has something in it that's not allowed and you see it. Please let me know and I'll come in a fix it before I get in any trouble. I'm a pretty up front guy and the rules here seem pretty clear from what I can find but from time to time I may go off topic.

Right MeanGreen? :P 


Also It's great to digitally meet you Horsey :) You all seem like very intelligent cultivators with pretty good senses of humor so I'm glad to be among such people <3 

Edited by spacegrandmother101
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Ok guys I'm willing to start the Pollen exchange thread. Does anyone have an Idea as to where it would best be placed? I was thinking directly in the cactus and succulents forum because there's nothing in the trading area that looks as if it would fit in any of the 4 options. I don't have much pollen right now but I'm planning to take some paint brushes to some more flowers as soon as I see them. Also other than Trichos (of which do not flower in my area 7b for some reason :( ) and Lophophora pollen what types of pollen do you guys believe would be most needed here? I may be able to help you British homos :P with some Sida pollen at some point if you want but most of my pollen swaps or hand outs (based on funding) will have to be U.S. based. Is there a good way to make the thread based on where the people are willing to ship to?


Any info or help is greatly appreciated so let me know what you guys think. 


Also is there already a positive/honorable vendors thread for cacti and cacti seed traders as well as any with other Ethno seed vendors???



I'm willing to take the time if you guys are willing to help direct me on how to go about it :) 

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11 hours ago, spacegrandmother101 said:

Also how long does it take to post without prior Moderator approval?


It can vary anywhere from a few minutes to a day. Sometimes posts get missed and it can be a few days before any of us notice it. Anyway, I've take you off mod preview now, so post away :)

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