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Cultivating poppy pods individually vs making tea

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Swim has a small plantation of papaver somniferum and is looking forward to cultivating when the pods are mature.

Swim knows that the normal method of cultivation involves piercing and then collecting (milking) the sap.


As well as being time consuming, this has the potential of attracting the attention of swim's neighbours.


Swim is considering just cutting down the mature pods and making tea from them via the water steeping method. Swim thinks that no opiate will be lost (as it is all in the pod), but doesn't know why everyone doesn't do this.

Is it because the effect from the tea is tainted by the other alkaloids in the pods, or something else ?

Swim would appreciate any response, especially from those who have experienced both tea and the direct product.

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With lancing u get more bites at the cherry. The plant will produce more latex so u can milk it on consecutive day's until it becomes unviable. U can also make tea from lanced pods when done, not as strong as unlanced pods but still effective.

Pods contain the same alks as the latex or opium.

Latex or opium has other advantages over pods, smaller quantity makes it easier to consume along with other routes of administration.

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UTSE for pod putty. cutting the pods is laboursome and the yield is well below that of putty

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I've found several references to pod putty like gomaos suggests in Opium having no effect but not a good summary.

Does the following plagiarized summary sound fair? If not , please feel free correct/improve.

Apologies for not quoting the original authors(if I offend).

Pods are ripe 2-3 weeks after the flowers have dropped. The best way to know is too look for a dark band where the flower petals were. As shown by this Image

Harvest the stem, leaves and pods, but not the roots. (Note: some authors have said pods only)

Swim chops 30 pods and stems as small as possible, and then grinds using a coffee grinder.

Then using a non-aluminium wok or frying pan, adds water to completely cover them with 2-3 teaspoons of citric acid and simmer for around an hour. Some use lemon juice, and some suggest a h2o extraction followed by an acid extraction - can anyone attest to these variations being worth the effort ?

Remove the solids, strain well and return the liquid return to frying pan and evaporate until it becomes a paste.

Tripitaka I assume this is the "pod putty" you are referring to ??

As discussed by other authors, repeated extracts can be made with the solids, as not all product is recovered in the first attempt.

Here is a fairly thorough method described by Dexgo at the somni forum, but it seems overly complicated to me. Comments ? http://forum.poppies.org/index.php?showtopic=16015

Edited by kapten

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Why Conan, of-course... anything else would be illegal. Maybe I should have mentioned that swim's small patch of poppies only exist when she is dreaming (she has very vivid dreams). :innocent_n:

Edited by kapten

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Sounds likes a variation of a theme. Pressure cooker and a cloth strainer are less laborsome IMO. Reduce in a pyrex dish on low heat in an oven until the desired consistency is achieved so I am told by grizzled Nangahar tribesmen.

Edited by Tripitaka

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So nice to have a female enthusiast to balance us out :wub:

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So nice to have a female enthusiast to balance us out :wub:

think that would be a waste of time, Im sure where its legal, you would only bother doing an extraction if you wanted to refine the brew.

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I feel the plant gives us what we would ultimately want to explore with in its structure without the need for any further refinement beyond an elementary level such as this technique.

Other threads attest to the problematic nature of various opiates when they are isolated.

Papaver hybrids contain many raw constituents.

The need of medicine to isolate major active constituents for biologically necessary uses is compelling only in that context, not when it is causing sociological problems.

I would prefer the synergy of the raw constituents Papaver has to offer in terms of my health and longevity.

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I feel the plant gives us what we would ultimately want to explore with in its structure without the need for any further refinement beyond an elementary level such as this technique.

Other threads attest to the problematic nature of various opiates when they are isolated.

Papaver hybrids contain many raw constituents.

The need of medicine to isolate major active constituents for biologically necessary uses is compelling only in that context, not when it is causing sociological problems.

I would prefer the synergy of the raw constituents Papaver has to offer in terms of my health and longevity.

elementary, dry, grind, swirl and gulp..

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