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Ayahuasca admixtures.

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Iv'e been interested in sourcing out and learning about the use of other less known admixtures in the preperation of ayahuasca.

Whilst ive been in europe ive had the opportunity to access amazonian medicinal plants that just arent available in australia.

To me it is a real shame that such plants are limited to unavailable in australia, and i have found some of the common south american medicinals to be very potent, and they have helped me considerably with my own healing journey. (although i cannot drink ayahuasca for health reasons as yet).

Despite their unavailability, i would still some day like to establish an ayahuasca garden complete with many different admixture plants (in a place/country where law permits it).

I find it really interesting how many different plants can be used in the one brew, and how a curandero will utilise different plants depending on the focus and context of the particular brew.

Anyway, im jsut curious as to whether anyone in australia has any ayahuasca plants other then the key components.

I found this list very helpfull in starting to establish some plants to look out for (thanx for the killer links tripitaka)

A Working List of Confirmed Ayahuasca Admixture Plants


(links go to detailed accounts of each species)


Teliostachya lanceolata


Alternanthera lehmannii

Iresine sp.


Himatanthus sucuuba

Malouetia tamaquarina

Mandevilla scabra

Tabernaemontana sp.


Ilex guayusa


Montrichardia arborescens


Mansoa alliacea

Tabebuia heteropoda

Tabebuia incana

Tabebuia sp.

Tynnanthus panurensis


Cavanillesia hylogeiton

Cavanillesia umbellata

Ceiba pentandra

Chorisia insignis

Chorisia speciosa

Quararibea "ishpinango"


Tournefortia angustifolia


Epiphyllum sp.

Opuntia sp.


Anthodiscus pilosus


Maytenus ebenifola


Carludovica divergens


Lomariopsis japurensis


Erythroxylum coca


Alchornea castaneifolia

Hura crepitans


Gnetum nodiflorum


Clusia sp.

Tovomita sp.


Ocimum micranthum


Couroupita guianensis


Bauhinia guianensis

Caesalpinia echinata

liandra angustifolia

Campsiandra laurifolia

Cedrelinga castaneiformis

Erythrina glauca

Erythrina poeppigiana

Pithecellobium laetum

Sclerobium setiferum

Vouacapoua americana


Phrygilanthus eugenioides LORANTHACEAE

Phtirusa pyrifolia


Diplopterys cabrerana

Diplopterys involuta (=Mezia includens)

Mascagnia psilophylla var. antifebrilis

(= Cabi paraensis; Callaeum antifebrile)

Stigmaphyllon fulgens

Uncaria guianensis

Uncaria tomentosa


Calathea veitchiana


Abuta grandifolia


Coussapa tessmannii

Ficus insipida

Ficus ruiziana

Ficus sp.


Virola sp.

Virola theiodora

Virola surinamensis


Caboma aquatica


Petiveria alliaceae


Piper sp.


Triplaris surinamensis

Triplaris surinamensis var. chamissoana


Pontederia cordata


Calycophyllum spruceanum

Capirona decoriticans

Guettarda ferox

Psychotria carthaginensis

Psychotria psychotriaefolia

Psychotria "batsikawa"

Psychotria "nai kawa"

Psychotria "pishikawa"

Psychotria viridis

Rudgea retifolia

Sabicea amazonensis


Paullinia yoco


Lygodium venustum


Scoparia dulcis


Brugmansia insignis

Brugmansia suaveolens

Brunfelsia chiricaspi

Brunfelsia grandiflora

Brunfelsia grandiflora ssp. schultesii

Capsicum sp.

Iochroma fuchsioides

Juanulloa ochracea

Nicotiana rustica

Nicotiana tabacum


Cornutia odorata

Vitex triflora


Rinorea viridiflora


Edited by ({E})

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I recognized straight away over half a dozen that are in Oz... what caught my eye was Ocimum micranthum.

This is a synonym of Ocimum campechianum, it has been investigated for antinociceptive and antiinflammatory activities but just Why is it in ayahuasca? It'd change the flavor and odor for sure, may even be a bit of a antiinflammatory pain killer to help arthritic shamen/patients... but I'm curious if something from the same family and subfamily as Salvia divinorum might just be there to modify the visionary aspects of ayahuasca. After all I know some sages with non-psychoactive terpenoids can modify peyote visions, and are used for that by some natives- it would be interesting to know if there is an equivalent in ayahuasca.

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Cavanillesia hylogeiton

Cavanillesia umbellata

Ceiba pentandra

Chorisia insignis

Chorisia speciosa

Quararibea "ishpinango"

I've always had a big crush on this family...especially Chorisia sp...so purty :wub:

As for the rest of the list....let's buy an island and go nuts! :)B)

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Interesting stuff Eli...I wonder if it's sometimes the mixture of plant "entities" as well that adds the required OOMPH to the healing besides the chemical reasons for adding certain herbs????

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the seeds from this plant Quararibea "ishpinango" are used by a curandero who works with huachuma in his cimora.

would love to get some of these and alot of the herbs you mention above as well

i would really like to get some camaloonga seeds you can add them to some camphor water and this will provide you with some nice perfume that does a great job at clreaing the space and providing protection etc.

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interesting list

should chuck it in the wiki to allow easy access to info

a new category for groups of plants?

could also make lists of MAOI containing plants, DMT containing etc etc

actually i may have a crack at that now

can always be changed if it diesnt work


okay here is what i got so far


if you find info on any of the plants involved add it up

Edited by Hagakure

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As far as Ishpingo (Quararibea) as an admixture goes, I wrote a little bit about this in the Quararibea funebris thread.

Although I think it was about cactus admixture. Not sure.

Lactones somethin somethin mumble mumble.

Edited by apothecary

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oh is there a thread already about this plant cool

i meant in regards to cactus not ayahuasca.

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