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body cell computer

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Hi there,

this serves as both introduction topic as discussion on a subject. First I will do a brief introduction.

Being 31 years old I live somewehre in Europe and am recovering from a recent iboga session. My daily work consists of being and to expand this as fully as possible. Got into shamanism from a past of experimenting with drugs, from that I became a ceremonial user of plants and together with that, am developing understanding into all kinds of occultism, preferably I Ching & geometry. But I try to be as broad as possible, so tai chi and yoga are included as well.

One part of my current endeavour is to work out some deep seated subconscious convictions that govern nearly all aspects of practical life, such as health & sychronicity. To do this I recently undergone a test that worked with a tesla coil connected to a computer. Through this coil question would be broadcasted and the answers were registered by pulling on the arms. Both arms relaxed meant yes and one arm less relaxed meant no. This way an 'umbrella tehcnique' was used so that increasingly specific questions could be adressed, to find out which convictions were seated. This test was developed by a certain Johann Lechner, a german who used this in accompany with dentistry - and I got the test when I finally moved to a decent dentist.

Anyway, the first question of the test was 'are there programmed blockings?' and the design of the test was, if a yes answered, the next set of questions would determine what those blockings were. Now I gave a yes and then the operator proceeded to do this umbrella method and find out what was there. During the whole session I didn't hear anything cause the tesla coil was emitting high frequencies, the operator pulled my arms about once a second so the questioning went very rapid. Each yes or no was given back to the computer and so the test went about.

It was funny to notice the code my arms were giving, a continuous string of yes and no kept going on. During which at regular intervals the operator would touch my third eye in a certain fashion to provide a calibration of some sort. So I got this very intricate notion that my subconscious intelligence acts like a computer and was giving a total status report on behalf of those questions.

The results yielded some deep seated convictions that are the source of probably all my health issues at this moment. Now if the first question, if there were programmed blockings, would give a no, then a set of questions to determine physical ailments, like heavy metal deposits, organ status and outside influence like cell tower radiation would be tested. And also to determine if there are teeth that cause internal disarray.

From the results was also inferred which ancestral line gave the deepest issues, mine primary the paternal line. But these outcomes were nothing new for me, I already knew for a long time this was being the case and have been working on establishing a continuous presence now as a result of this situation. Also I am sort of extension of my own subconscious computer. It's how my mind works, so most of these things were no surprise yet. Getting my plug into earth's matrix is another primary concern.

When the operator/ therapists went discussing the results, she probed my reactions to all kinds of affirmations by putting them in statements woven into the conversation. I became deeply uncomfortable with it. It was acute expression of these convictions in facial experssions and we both witnessed them. The only thing I could do was to speak out the knowing I had of both this subconscious as well my unconscious responses to her statements...

Anyway the treatment that is given consists of a set of little sugar granules that were placed upon the tesla coil while it was emitting a series of musics and affirmations (all at once). Those I take once a day for a few weeks and this to change those convictions. Very effective cause I witnessed them being charged with this energy and so have both consciously and subconsciously affirmed the treating capabilities.

This technology has existed since WWII for all I know. Does anyone knows more about this?

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never heard of it.

the diagnosis seems to me, not unlike other forms of divination, for instance answering questions using a pendulum, with one difference being that you don't know what the question is.

the treatment seems somewhat like crystal work and homeopathy combined.

it requires too much faith for me, and it's hard to put much faith in somebody who makes a living with therapies that are indiscernible from sheer deception. still, i'm willing to listen more if you're willing to share more.

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interesting stuff.

the muscle response testing on your arms is kinesiology, which has, as far as I know,

been around (in the west at least) 30-40 years.

Edited by LokStok

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The above reminds me of a technique called "ideomotor response" that I read about in a book on psychology. Basically, you tie a ring to around 15cm / 6" of fine thread, like cotton, then suspend the ring, motionless, and ask a question, and wait until your subconscious mind responds by making the ring move either in circles, or to and fro thereby providing the answer. Start off with basic questions requiring an affirmative response, such as: "Are you a male?", and: "Do you live in Australia?", etc. to gauge the response.

I found it interesting, but ultimately unsatisfactory, because after a while, the results became confusing, even contradictory, as the subconscious can often act like a naughty child, and mine either got tired of playing the game, or didn't want my conscious mind to know its deepest secrets. So, back to dream analysis, then.

Some Common Features of Ideomotor-Based Systems

"Although the effects of ideomotor action have been understood for at least 150 years, the phenomenon remains surprisingly unknown, even to scientists. To conclude, the following are some of the psychological features that characterize nearly all the systems and schemes that have bases in ideomotor action.

Ideomotor action. To reiterate, all systems using the rubbing plate, the dowsing rod, the exploring pendulum, or related technique depend on an almost undetectable motor movement, amplified into a more noticeable event. The impetus arises from one's own subtle and unperceived expectations. Elaborate, grandiose theories are then devised to explain the observed effects.

Projection of the operator's actions to an external force. This is one of key properties of ideomotor action. Although the operator's own actions cause the fingers to stick, the rod to move, or the pendulum to rotate in a given direction, the operator attributes the cause onto an external force. Subjectively, that is what it feels like. Lacking a sense of volition, one credits unknown forces, radiations, or other external emanations.

The cause of the action is attributed to forces new to science and revolutionary in nature. This is implied in the previous point. Not only is the cause attributed to an external source, but each time the phenomenon is encountered anew, those who have not read their history attribute it to a force previously unknown.

Delusions of grandeur. Not only do the proponents insist that the cause is external, but they tend to see themselves as revolutionary saviors of mankind. They claim to have discovered new principles and forces, ones whose ramifications will transform contemporary science, not to mention society as we know it.

Delusions of persecution. Those who suffer from delusions of grandeur frequently exhibit delusions of persecution. Self-styled revolutionaries assert that orthodox scientists dismiss discoverers of breakthroughs such as radionic devices and the like merely out of envy, pig-headedness, conformism, or unwillingness to give credit to brave outsiders who are not part of the scientific establishment.

To be forearmed Is to be disarmed. Proponents of quack devices and procedures will often argue that they are aware of ideomotor action and the role of expectancies. They often assert that their awareness makes them immune from its effects. Many dowsers now admit unconscious expectations can affect the action of the divining rod. They assert that their awareness prevents ideomotor action and allows expression of the "true dowsing response." Unfortunately, the awareness of ideomotor action does not make one immune from its expression.

Self-sealing belief systems. Once the proponent becomes convinced that his favorite system "works," then the psychological forces discussed by James Alcock come into play. These self-serving biases serve to protect the belief system from falsification. Loopholism is one way proponents protect their beliefs in the face of contrary evidence. Saying "It is not the same thing" allows the believer to shield the system. Alcock supplies more examples of this ability to distort, forget, or ignore evidence. The true physician is aware of distortions of one's own judgement, as well as those of pseudoscientific competitors."

It also explains similar phenomena, like "OUIJA" board movements.The very comprehensive article is at: http://www.quackwatch.com/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/ideomotor.html

More at: https://www.google.com.au/search?client=opera&hs=jD6&channel=suggest&sclient=psy-ab&q=ideomotor&btnG=Submit ~~~

Edited by CLICKHEREx

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It's going to be a few more weeks and then I'm going to give a second try.

Following the first session I got these little sugar things, some kind of little pieces that were placed to the tesla coil which played a repeating combination of messages with the intent to neutralize the dominant subconscious one's.

On the sceptical part I do agree. It's just that this therapists removed the tesla coil and instead inserted a normal speaker and on that speaker the questions could clearly be heard.

During the past few weeks taking the sugar things came hand in hand with some serious incidents of things falling and breaking, knocking stuff of the shelves and subsequent bad timings in many areas.

Reviewing this topic I couldn't understand why I have registered here and posted it. Another one of those actions I take and then be amazed by the off course from where I normally go for. I'll just run it through and sees what happens.

Anyway I come back to this when time is ready...

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