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Neo-Nazis Organize Music Festival in Australia

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watched this today lol,


Some world views may be shaped by television and things that you are taught at school, which IMO are all lies. Try and reasonably discuss race with a racist ? It cannot be done , they wont listen. What they've been taught (programmed) is all there is...but if they took the time to scratch the surface of fear ,propaganda and ego...they would have the answers to the "why" . The conquering empires have long employed the military tactic of dehumanising the native populace as criminals, subhumans, it makes it easier to get your soldiers to slaughter them.

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Strangely, any white supremacists I have ever known have displayed less than supreme genetic traits. They are almost always prone to anger issues, male pattern baldness, spontaneous outbreaks of rats tails on kids, spontaneous outbreaks of bruises on kids, diabetes and having a face like a dropped pie.


Fucking hilarious, and strangely true. The irony that these people often seem to be overweight, physically degenerate white trash scum is fantastic

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I haven't read much of this, but am aware as those people who moved away from the equatioral land, which caused the need for less pigmentation, meaning more VITAMIN D, a need for survival, then as those that traveled further north and south over time became whiter and whiter. At the equator, the need for highly pigmented skin is a necessisity or one would recieve to much vitamin D, and that aint good, )pigmentation blocks and reduces vitamin D production - hence calcium and a range of effect, life threatening) AS those who traveleed they needed more, hence in time lost the pigmentation. ITS straight physiology/science. I do not feel about recessive genes, one can be recessive with some genes and not with others. ITS about vitamin D. I have access to peer reviewed articles to back this up. I willl look this up and cite if required. THIS is all a just an excuse to vent ones frustrations, ones fears. PERIOD. imo of course. THERE is of course the seperate cultures, jews are a classic example. THiER looks, there superior attitudes on some levels, there belief that they are the chosen people, by some, and christ killers by others, but as soon as a group is seperated, some are going to feel extremely threatened, and scared. Much propaganda is spread.

There is also the issue of looks. To many peoples way of thinking/percieving, AN african black man, an aboriginal// maori, native people may, looks closer genetically to an ape, hence becuase of this reason, and perhaps unconsciously, people feel that these people are not quite as smart, not quite as - WHATEVER, compared to the white man. I dont see it like this, I see some white man, and they look just like apes, if not more so than many indeginoous people. Its all bullshit, and is about maintaining the distinction. Superiourity, power, control, and we could learn so much from the indegenious, eg, dreamtime and what that actuallly represents with respect to awareness, reality, than what the marjority of white man are into. WEATH, and Avoidance.


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so dworx...

did you enjoy the festival?


fucking lol, but no shit ay whos he gonna quote next? wait there was that famous geneaologist adolf something?....

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check out the Blood & Honour website it's disturbing & funny in equal measure:

Blood & Honour Australia is part of an international community of White Racialists, promoting the cause of White Resistance through the powerful medium of music. We believe there is a need to provide White youth with an alternative to the 'hip-hop' culture so eagerly promoted by the Zionist controlled media.

However, even though music is the main focus of Blood and Honour, we understand that it is only a medium through which we can promote the message of the ‘14 words;




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"In the Fall of 1984, Ms. Jane Elliott was invited by the Iowa Department of Corrections to give a training session to some of its employees. The session is also insightful and worth watching."

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YES YES. I hate the way that white cultures have been blurred in to one. For example Scottish, Irish, French, German, Scandinavian, Russian etc etc are all predominantly "whhite" races with a rich diverse culture with interesting differences.

I refuse to feel guilt for being white or to see my background as culturally bankrupt because it may not seem as exotic as some other cultures. I am proud of my background but not to the extent of these ignorant racists (neo-nazis)


Culture is for the weak. Those who have no personality and no achievements of their own. If you wish to belong to a group, choose one, don't be born in to it.

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Culture is for the weak. Those who have no personality and no achievements of their own. If you wish to belong to a group, choose one, don't be born in to it.


Is it even possible to exclude yourself from culture? We are constantly influenced by those around use and equally influencing them through our own actions so the idea that anyone can be free from culture seems hard to believe for me. Could it not be said that this new age idea of transculturalism is not a culture in itself?

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Transculturalism maybe thoght ov as approaching the status ov being a culture in itself, but it has a way to go yet.

Culture doesn't appear to be static, it moves & changes.

Leave any culture cpmpletely for 1 year & then return to see how much it has changed, how much you've lost touch.

Our white middle class Tv obsessed culture would have new Master Cheif contestants who'll be "household names" you'll have no memory ov, because you have been left behind.

Of course it's not easy to exclude yourself completely from all Anglo culture, unless you are brought up by wolves in a particularly remote forest.

But foreign travel is a good way to start. Avoid tourist resorts & likely English speaking Europeans & throw yourself completely into a foriegn culture.

As i said, you'll never lose all your culture, but you'll start to learn which bits are uniquely you, your cultures & universal.

You can also cut out bits ov culture by ignoring it. I ignore virtually all sports, racing cars, & virtually all commericial TV, radio, papers & magazines; you'd be amazed how quickly the conversation would end if you brought anything like that up in conversation.

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