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The Corroboree

I think those old guys at TAB's and corner pubs are australia's real shaman

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vote: no.

Find 90% of them unintelligent.

Down-to-earth... maybe, but novelty sacrificed.

there are a few around very smart, but tend to be behind the scenes.

pub culture has always been overly-masculine.

not my cup of tea.

the shamans in this culture are in prison,

dead (suicide),

in mental institutions,

in the wilderness,

out on organic farms,

and..... right here

find me a culture where the pressure for sameness is more totalitarian.

for shamans it's a nightmare.

i'm 100% definite our genetics has been sourly affected by 200 years of factory-like work conditions.

no shaman can be cubicilised, or subjected to the grandoise masculinities of tradie culture for long.

you can tell how many shaman genes are left in a culture, by seeing where people can work for themselves

how many independent farms are left,

how many people still live off the rainforests in communities.

where laws and police are few.

how much anger is directed towards the system.

we are persecuted,

our lives and minds are illegal,

and when we don't break the law,

they make up new ones.

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I'm assuming you are indigenous cyberpagan. If so let me say sorry for desecrating your land and people. I am doing my best to make amends for that with the way I live my life and what I do with it.

It is a sour tasting brew to awaken from early life as a child into the truths that wait, of an unjust, mean and sometimes plain crazy world.

I want to write something here about age and just accepting that life isn't ever going to be perfect. That acceptance can form the basis of further radical work toward change, but acceptance is paramount nonetheless, otherwise you are just going to be pissed off, annoyed and pretty much unable to hear anybody else's point of view.

Accept the world isn't perfect and isn't ever going to be - if you are up for helping to change that, then jump on board, I dare whoever is reading this to start getting politically active in their area and seeking change.


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interesting topic, even though I don't quite know what people you mean... I can imagine though...

...but from this conversation and many others, it sounds like you have lots of macho idiots [bogans you call them?] in Oz, or you're just overacting in your general dismissal of alcohol...

I disagree that people become idiots as a result of too much drinking. I suggest that they were idiots to begin with.

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