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Guest Warrioe-Sage

Secret Societies

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I think you need to take a step back buddy so you are not so involved in your theorys and then apply logic. Are humans ever that flawless to go through hundreds of years without putting a step wrong? i mean if you have examples of the freemasons fucking up then please post them....but really, humans are very floored, especially when they become and large organisations, it only leads to infighting and disorganisation. Might wanna think about it >_>

This is always the main argument put forward (usually very aggressively) by the hardcore patriots who are blindly convinced there society is all infallible, righteous, honest & open with the people. It’s also the most ridiculous and ignorant argument anyone could possibly make, since if humans were ever flawless enough to go hundreds of years without putting a foot wrong, then we wouldn’t have heard about it, would we?

A very simple example would be the whole Schapelle Corby drug smuggling incident. All over the place you would here people ranting on about how stupid it was for attempting to do something like that, claiming it was always inevitable she was going to be caught. But for all they knew it could have been a daily occurrence, there was probably multiple people walking though Bali airport with kilo’s of weed under there arm everyday. But the majority of citizens just seem to be so subconsciously conditioned, that they just assume if it’s not flashed all over the news and they haven’t heard about it, then it must not be happening. lol.

I do believe there are secret societies out there that have accumulated mass wealth and use it to varying degrees to gain power & control over the people, using the media, popular culture and the economical system as there means, but how deep it goes is really anyone’s guess. I also believe a lot of these conspiracy theories that pop up on youtube or whatever are mostly just peoples imaginations running away on them. But at the same time, I think secret government agencies or even secret societies do occasionally use these so called elaborate conspiracies to there own advantage to keep the wool pulled over the peoples eyes and to disguise there own and usually much more simpler agendas. Like for example, I’m sure they would use (or even actually post themselves) a lot of these alien conspiracy theories to cover up actual secret military operations and such. Or how they deliberately allow the illegal drug trade to flourish in the slums of the US (and other places), since as long as the poor are all high on drugs and busy fighting each other over the illegal drug trade, they won’t ever by organised enough to stand up and revolt against the government or the wealthy elite.

Like I have already said, who really knows how deep the rabbit hole goes, it’s anyone’s guess. But I personally think anyone who thinks we are living in a free and open society and dismisses the idea that there is a whole lot of mind control and conditioning going on behind the scenes on many different levels is just kidding themselves.

But the way I see it, to be totally honest, in 100 years time we will all just be fertilizer anyway and it will be someone else’s problem, so what’s the point of wasting the short time you have worrying about something you can’t change anyway? lol. Revolutionists & renegades may have been able to bring the people together and create mass change in the past, but personally I think we are to locked down these days for that to even be possible. Although, if the welfare system was to ever crash, then I think it would be a totally different story, lol.

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they aren't all that covert but IMO the main elitist "think tank"/secret society we should be investigating in Aus is the Fabian Society.

Many aussie and uk prime ministers are Fabian's, that's no secret.

The thing about the Fabian's is that they are the epitome of collectivist depravity and self loathing. They name them selves after a cold calculating and morally bankrupt ancient roman military figure. one of their emblems is famously the "wolf in sheep's clothing" and the patient cranky looking turtle asserting that "when i strike, i strike hard".

I recommend the very very old movie call Pygmalian. It was written by a prominent Fabian, Bernard Shaw. It's easy to find streaming online for free. It gives a good insight into how much better they think they are then most people.

There's not heaps online about them but there's enough to understand what they're about and that they are influential.

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For some perspective I recommend some Webster Tarpley lectures.

Palmerstons Zoo


Oligarchy: The Cancer in Human History


check them out, he is one of my favourite historians. I recommend having goole open inanother tab while watching to look up any thing he mentions that you don't can't follow off the top of your head. There's soo much in these lectures and none of it is really touched on in Aus high school so it can be hard to follow without google to help but it is really worth trying to atleast build an overview of what he says about oligarchy.

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Apparently the idea that we live in a free society has not been true for the majority of the last 2000 years and beyond.

I think it was George Washington who calls it the "animating contest of liberty" and he says that's really all that goes on upon this planet i.e. Romans VS Hebrews over and over again just wearing different clothes and using different technology as time has proceeded to the present day...it's kind of that same thing...collectivists vs those who value the individual.

for me the obvious proof of the fact that we are owned and our owners consider us to be their cattle is that they can poison us with water-fluoridation and vaccination (bio weapon/soft kill technology) and the masses are so mind fucked they can basically tell us they are intent on killing us and the masses don't flinch. I mean we have known since before they started putting it in the water it's only useful as a soft kill/mind control agent but we are so broken. Torrents of "science" graduates created every yer in Australia alone but none of them capable of adding 1 and 1 to get 2....because that's all that brain power it takes to realise what's going on with vaccines and water fluoridation alone. Like what the fuck are they doing to the sky with their pulsing directed energy and aerosols. It look scarily bad most days but instead of getting angry most of my friend just refuse to look at the sky when I point it out.

We are broken :)


edit: typos were to bad to ignore.

edit: lol seriously...lots of people pretending and even proclaiming "huh? mate I don't really notice the sky, I am too busy"...that's pretty scary right there :(

Edited by Sonny Jim

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"Expendable": The harrowing case of innocent Schapelle Corby.


apparently she was set up by the cops for fun or something equally horrible. It's so hard to know this kind of stuff since Australia has close to zero alternative media.

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they aren't all that covert but IMO the main elitist "think tank"/secret society we should be investigating in Aus is the Fabian Society.

Many aussie and uk prime ministers are Fabian's, that's no secret.

The thing about the Fabian's is that they are the epitome of collectivist depravity and self loathing. They name them selves after a cold calculating and morally bankrupt ancient roman military figure. one of their emblems is famously the "wolf in sheep's clothing" and the patient cranky looking turtle asserting that "when i strike, i strike hard".

I recommend the very very old movie call Pygmalian. It was written by a prominent Fabian, Bernard Shaw. It's easy to find streaming online for free. It gives a good insight into how much better they think they are then most people.

There's not heaps online about them but there's enough to understand what they're about and that they are influential.

a bit of a smear campaign against a slow moving gradualist change, its actually quite forward thinking, if you dont take the shit smeared on it. They have learnt from the past and remember it well and have changed their ways so as to not fall into the same trappings that have happened to other leaders that have catalyzed change too quickly! Even quick change that is good causes quite quickly ripples that bounce back. like old hawke wow an actual person with a heart being the PM! not perfect but piss easy to see that he was a character that had some beans in his head that thought for themselves and didnt have a arm hanging out of his arse, (notice how tony abbot walks, yep thats right an iron fist right up his arse puppetering his every move.

i dont really get the left wing right wing thing, and i suppose if the independents have enough power that could side with the supposed sides that has a better chance of promoting a healthier avant garde future

what im getting is some people out there have their rituals and symbols like a lot of sub cultures and actually use them to better themselves and teach themselves lessons and morals. then there is people with shit on their hands that smear it on shit they dont understand, yep thats right this ignorance smears shit on lots of aspects which they dont understand, some people when they cant understand comprehend ideas just shit on them, no secret societies go marching around with their symbology ideas on the website? doesnt that defy the whole purpose of a secret society?

The symbology hat you can see ad-nauseum across all cultures are what people like the sun triangles, hexagons, squares overlapping, octagons, (re-inventing the wheel :) Or is it? And then what of it, so you keep seeing these symbols across all cultures, what then do you do with it? get paranoid or say fuck we all must be human? Is it just a big ole joke playing on your paranoid mind, or are you just seeing things straight for a second or two :) adovacting for the devil somewhat but hey. Use ut for a lesson of self growth, dont externalize it and demonize it, heaven and hell on earth? doesnt seem that far off or away.

Edited by PhoenixSon

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I love K RINO such a voice for the people. To many hip hop artists sing crap about guns, crack hoes


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"a bit of a smear campaign against a slow moving gradualist change, its actually quite forward thinking, if you dont take the shit smeared on it. "

It's not a smear campaign, it's a factual observation. Also their policies have always been completely morally corrupt and yes that does pass for "forward thinking" in populations deprived of basic history education and christianity (by true Christianity I mean an emphasis on the individuals relationship with God, as opposed to an emphasis on the states relationship with God being the focus of the collective) and that's not my opinion either. Just study Russia under Stalin.

I think we have a massive problem in this country because our education system teaches us government oppression is a thing of the past. It sounds like a trick too dumb to work on a smart country like Australia but it has absolutely decimated us. It's because of this that we can't even mobilize to stop them from poisoning our children at school with vaccines and fluoride in the water. The FACT is government oppression is worse than it has been in centuries (right now!) in this country and I am taking into account the mass genocide of our indigenous people that happen at the start of European settlement here!

I hate for this to sound like I am trying to be anything other than truly helpful and respectful (loving ;0 ) when I say that people here who are confused about this topic really must start studying history. We have and are being dumbed down on purpose. With chemical, biological and radiological agents and with weaponized culture at school. It worked well and we are still getting dumber.

I don't understand how you can call the gradual changes they force as being somehow good for anybody except to the consolidation of the power of the financial oligarchy. How can that be a good thing? They have gutted the country with their deregulation....on purpose to consolidate their power...and it worked! look how dramatically financial policy alone in the last 30 years has dropped the standard of living for most Australians.

Socialism is obviously a form of weaponized culture invented by the oligarchy and sold to the masses as a populist ideology. That's also the history of it, not my opnion. Can you think of any examples in history where any form of collectivist state (communism, fascism , social marxism etc) was anything other than a method by which the oligarchy consolidated power and brutalized the humanity of the individual?

and again, I just want to promise I am not trying to belittle anyone but must state that us aussies are dangerously ignorant of history and of true Christianity. I am not a christian, I am a tripper but I respect Christians and am sorry it took me so long to realise their history is nothing but a big long fight against the oligarchy but I was taught the opposite by the TV documentaries I watched as a kid and my teachers and parents. Christian's have a very brave history of fighting tyranny and that's why the oligarchy must keep the true story of Christianity out of society. Check out the bible for stories of Romans Vs Hebrews.

edit:tried to fix up spelling.

and also to add that. I think when we have conversations and get bogged down in the intricacies of the symbols and other tricky occult stuff like the meaning of their rituals etc we run the risk (due to our lack of historical perspective) of not seeing the wood for all those trees....you see, if we can't recognize the basics, like when mass murder, mass maiming and mass sterilization (to name but a few current hot topics) of the public is "public policy". We can only get lost in the detail going in circles until we throw history into the equation and allow our selves some useful purchase on this mountain of a learning curve. T the victims (the people, the cattle, the rubes) can't think clearly enough to discern a bio weapon from a medicine or to be able to discern that they are the pray of the oligarchy (currently on planet earth we have a financial oligarchy).

Edited by Sonny Jim

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In It's day the catholic church was the true ruling power in Europe and the christian world. Kings bowed to their authority and warrior popes led their armies into battle against anyone who resisted the authority of the holy church.

Only the clergy and the ruling echelon were educated, leaving the masses ignorant and easily manipulated and controlled. Herbalists and healers were deemed witches and agents of Satan and were tortured, raped, hanged, dismembered and burned alive for their heinous crimes against the holy mother church. These boys really knew how to party and invited every pedophile, rapist, sadist sicko motherfucker to enlist and indulge their pleasures in the name of god. The Spanish Inquisition was the best rave of all when any depraved punishment was fair treatment for non-believers.

Yeah, the poor old christians really had a hard time fighting against oligarchy............NOT!

The church WAS the oligarchy!!!!

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True Christianity/Jesus and the establishment churches are not the same thing. That's my point. Catholicism and many other established churches have little to do with Jesus, that is obvious to many people.

That's what I mean about history, you have the same opinion I had of Christianity until I studied the bible and the history for my self over the last couple of years, I have put a lot of time into it and found out how ignorant I was.

The thing is that throughout history the established churches have been used and even created by the oligarchy to give true Christianity a bad name. It's impossible to know that without the history of the churches. It makes it easy to jump to the conclusion we have both jumped to.

That's why building an understanding of history, especially the history of tyranny VS liberty, is paramount to maintain a free society and to be able to speak intelligently about the current gov etc.

Edited by Sonny Jim
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Fair enough

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Jesus is a made up character purposely designed as a means to control the masses (the herd) and inhibit free thought and expression. Who cares less if the character had a few good metaphors? A wolf in sheep's clothing! I can handle all that rot about fluoride being put in tap water for the purpose of mind control or whatever, but trying to argue that some brain-washing fairy tale has any place within a free modern society is just to much to handle.

Satan, on the other hand is all about freedom of thought and expression and advocates individualism, think about that!

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i don't see why everyone has such a problem with the historical person of "jesus of nazareth" existing. yes, there's been a lot of misery inflicted upon the world from the various organisational religions which hold jesus as their figurehead, but can't you separate an institution from a single individual (an example would be blaming the buddha for the 969 movement in burma)? the person "jesus of nazareth" had nothing to do with what the catholic church or etc. has done to the world,

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weather jesus is real or not is actually not important to the points I am making. The history of true christians fighting tyranny dominates the actual history of the last 2000 years.

My posts are not about convincing you or my self that "jesus is lord"...I am not personally a Christian. My posts in this thread use the very important (but seemingly a tad hidden or forgotten or something) examples of Roman's VS Hebrews to remind us all that the "animating contest of liberty" has dominated human history. I want to warn people to think twice about the idea that government oppression doesn't happen in westernised countries anymore.

..........because they are poisoning us on mass and it's our lack of historical insight that probably looms largest in what causes Australia's inability to protect our children from easily avoidable but incredibly horrible ongoing mass poisoning by chemical, radiological and biological agents.

It's in the interest of the oligarchy that you don't understand the role Christianity has played in the ongoing "animating contest of liberty". It's in the interest of the oligarchy that you know nothing real about the "animating contest of liberty"...and by and large the oligarchy have been successful in achieving that end.

It's basically the same thing as when ignorant media pigs describe ethnobotany type trippers as "hippy-crack" addicted, airy fairy, delusional etc nothing could be further from the true spirit of the pursuit but it's easy to believe for people who want to believe it.

edits:most typos

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Satan, on the other hand is all about freedom of thought and expression and advocates individualism, think about that!

I believe Satan more represents the Physical Dimension and the sepperation of spirit, via the delusion of freedom. Satan worship tells you to give in to your desires and relish in your physical comfort, because thats the freedom provided to you by God. The Luciferian Followers are trying to create another reality sepperate from Spirit. Its a Male orientated belief and its somewhat false, in the sence that these material and physical pleasures will lead to a path of content and happyness. One only needs to interview enough people who became instantly rich and they realised that these riches cannot buy happyness and only aligning with there "true" self or spirit can. I feel like there is a war on spirit and inner realms are being cut off in the pursuit of material exsistence. That to me is the Satan / God war.

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Satan the deceiver hey, that's how the bible bashers refer to him/it.

I've read several accounts from 33 degree masons that have pursued the craft all the way to what they think is the end and come out of it disillusioned.

Freemasonry is Luciferan & it operates on a carefully staged series of deceptions. When you first join you are literally "hoodwinked" and led into an unknown scenario and repeatedly lied to all the way along. Then when you become a master (3rd degree mason) you are hoodwinked again and reborn into enlightenment. Then that enlightenment turns out not to be true enlightenment and to progress further you have to start forking out big bucks.

At first most are told there are only 3 degrees but they find out later there are 30 more. Along with the lies comes promises of hidden knowledge and mysteries which from my understanding is a crock of shit. All their hidden knowledge and mysteries are fabricated nonsense designed to psychologically condition the subject and make them lose their faith. In the end you find out that you are a god equal with the god from the bible and you are here on earth to gain as much material possession as possible. All this is hidden to the brethren of the first 3 degrees.

Many of those that do go all the way to the 33rd degree (any pay a fortune for it too) get all the way there and find out the ultra rich arseholes there don't want to know them and won't give them the time of day.

Rothschild hijacked freemasonry with the help of wieshaupt and his mates and to them freemasons are just unquestioning fools that will do their dirty work for them under the guise of brotherhood.

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^^^I disagree, some things can be proven easily with SCIENTIFIC METHODOLOGY. Things like;

the water is poisoned on purpose

the vaccines are poisoned on purpose

ionising radiation is not healthy (wi-fi, mobilephone towers and handsets, smart meters, baby monitors and more).

and when the reason the oligarchy do these things to us are written by them on record then we are going off more than just what one believes to be true. We can start to talk about it being objective truth/fact at that point...or pretty damn close.

again, I maintain it's the lack of historical context to understand the present day that causes us the most trouble with all of this.

I mean, the science is easy enough. What seems to be hard is realising there is even a reason to employ the science to investigate the tyranny in the first place.

Edited by Sonny Jim

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^^^I disagree, some things can be proven easily with SCIENTIFIC METHODOLOGY. Things like;

the water is poisoned on purpose

the vaccines are poisoned on purpose

ionising radiation is not healthy (wi-fi, mobilephone towers and handsets, smart meters, baby monitors and more).

and when the reason the oligarchy do these things to us are written by them on record then we are going off more than just what one believes to be true. We can start to talk about it being objective truth/fact at that point...or pretty damn close.

again, I maintain it's the lack of historical context to understand the present day that causes us the most trouble with all of this.

I mean, the science is easy enough. What seems to be hard is realising there is even a reason to employ the science to investigate the tyranny in the first place.

Those sources are classed as non-ionising radiation.

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i thought microwave radiation is ionizing if it is strong enough.

Is it true that all electromagnetic radiation can cause ionisation if it is strong enough?

anyway, those sources of radiation i listed are all serious health hazards and will induce/interfere with electrical current. I thought that what's meant by ionising radiation. anybody know about that stuff?

the main point is that they are a health hazard because they cause pathological damage to tissue, like the brain damage caused by mobile phones...hey Sally?

and that's EASY to prove with a SCIENTIFIC METHODOLOGY. Easy because the methodology has already been scientifically carried out and we just have to google the damning results. no?

Edited by Sonny Jim

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^^^I disagree, some things can be proven easily with SCIENTIFIC METHODOLOGY. Things like;

the water is poisoned on purpose

the vaccines are poisoned on purpose

ionising radiation is not healthy (wi-fi, mobilephone towers and handsets, smart meters, baby monitors and more).

and when the reason the oligarchy do these things to us are written by them on record then we are going off more than just what one believes to be true. We can start to talk about it being objective truth/fact at that point...or pretty damn close.

again, I maintain it's the lack of historical context to understand the present day that causes us the most trouble with all of this.

I mean, the science is easy enough. What seems to be hard is realising there is even a reason to employ the science to investigate the tyranny in the first place.

Its EASY to prove with "SCIENCE" that these things "COULD" be harmful to your health. It is "NOT" easy to prove they are done on purpose. Take Fluoride for example, although its easy to prove that it is harful for your health it is easy to prove that it is benificial in the right dose for your teeth. So there for it is cloudy as to its reason for being in water and both sides of the case have equal points. I really think that there are larger things going on with the world elite. I honestly think that these smaller theories are just moulded in place to help perpitrate the "CRAZY" conspiracy theorist image and discredit all who speak out against this type of thing.

Chemtrails is another. Although I believe there is evidence that chemtrail operations exist, I don't think its happening on the scale that many conspiracy websites claim. Nearly 100% of the "chemtrails" witnessed in australia can be proven to be scientifically possible to be a "CON" trail not "CHEM". Its also very easy for you to be discredited as a truth advocate if you get caught up in theories and have no solid evidence to back up your claims. You should test every bit of information you read yourself. And if you can't then you need to be careful which information you take on to form your beliefs.

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i disagree

it's pretty easy to prove all the things I mention are done on purpose because they were all known to be poisonous before was introduced. Even the mobile phone towers and handset were known to be operating on frequencies that causes changes tissue before they were perpetrated against the public.

people who put the fluoride in the water can't say they didn't know. it would be like putting uranium in the water today and trying to argue there's not enough safety research to prove uranium is a poison. A gov official would have to be lying to try that one on because I don't believe they didn't know.

it's pretty obvious as well.

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yes I am saying there is enough proof that they hurt us on purpose as a way of managing us.

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i thought microwave radiation is ionizing if it is strong enough.

Is it true that all electromagnetic radiation can cause ionisation if it is strong enough?

anyway, those sources of radiation i listed are all serious health hazards and will induce/interfere with electrical current. I thought that what's meant by ionising radiation. anybody know about that stuff?

the main point is that they are a health hazard because they cause pathological damage to tissue, like the brain damage caused by mobile phones...hey Sally?

and that's EASY to prove with a SCIENTIFIC METHODOLOGY. Easy because the methodology has already been scientifically carried out and we just have to google the damning results. no?

My understanding is that Ionising radiation is generally categorised by its propensity to strip electrons from the nucleus of an atom. Those lower frequencies used in telecommunications don't have the ability to do so.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the lower frequencies/intensities are not harmful, I was just clarifying a technical point.

Our bodies and in particular our cells are in themselves tiny electrical circuits in a delicate state of balance and I've never seen anything that will satisfy me that microwaves don't affect the state of balance on a cellular level. Most of the research seems to involve tissue damage caused by heating of the cells by microwave energy.

Dr Charles Teo is arguably Australias' leading neuro surgeon and he sees the damage caused on a daily basis, he's made public statements regarding the health hazards of mobile phones, he's even noted the correlation to the position of brain tumors in relation to the preferred side that his patients hold their phones.

I know if I put a mobile phone near my head I can feel a disturbance that will persist for hours and there is no way I'd want to live near a phone tower either.

In the 90's Motorola commissioned an international report into the safety of mobile phones and when the study found that microwave energy can cause some serious health problems they sacked the company that did the study and buried the results.

Edited by Sally

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