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yerba mate dosage?

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i just found out that my local health food shop sells yerba mate/Ilex paraguayensis, i've been there many times and haven't noticed before mad.gif so what is the dosage of the dried leaves for a strong stimulating drink? it says to use 1 or 2g but that is for it's diuretic(?) usage.


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a mate is only about 100ml volume and is packed at least half full with leaves. then almost boiling water is poured on, left to steep for a moment and then drunk. More water is poured on the same leaves and left again and then drunk. This can be done until it gets a bit bland.

Alternatively just use it the same way you would make normal tea with about 2 teaspoon of herb per cup. Steep for 5 min and then drink.

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Also it is useful to note that the mates should be cured before usage, otherwise the pumkin flavour would make the mate a little bitter, even if you are not using a gourd you need to cure the mate (wood mate, leather mate, etc)

Process of "curado" is:

Prepare the mate the same way you would for drinking; fill it with hot water and let the mate(with the yerba and water inside) sit for 1-2 days. After that you empty the gourd, discard the herb and water, and wash it.

Now your gourd is ready for drinking.

Dont need to use the bombilla (or drinking tube) in this process.

Also remarkable: when your bombilla is stuck

dont follow the temptation to take it off the gourd and place it agai, this will make things worst. You just scratch the bottom of the gourd (believe or not it works) or hit the bottom of the mate with the table, just a little.

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I've been told that you should add a tiny bit of cold water to the mate first and let it sit for a few minutes before you add the hot water. Just a little, not more than it can absorb. This is to preserve the flavours and alkaloids. Don't know if it's really necessary, but it works for me.

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i'm used to mate from half kilo packs,which includes a reasonable amount of stem,i purchased another beautiful looking batch from a health food store assuming it to be a higher quality,but i was very disappointed with the smokyness of the taste.a bad batch or just not to my taste?i use a very heaped teaspoon in an infuser spoon and stir often.

t s t .

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mate helped me a lot taking breaks of alko,

and other stuff.

i only tried it few times but once i reached

the bottom of the bag where the powder was, it

didnt taste nice anymore.


it contains chlorgensaeure thats the magic ingredience,

isnt it? sorry dont know in english.

aswell i believe that the stroh is used to siphon of stronger concentrations of the brew, wiche are forming closest to the leaves.

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