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The Corroboree


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About culebra22

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  1. culebra22

    Heimia salicifolia

    Does anyone get any effects from heimia water ferments? doesn't taste particularly nice...
  2. culebra22

    Psychoactive Animals!

    hope this hasn't already been posted but mmm psychoactive honey http://www.erowid.org/animals/bee/bee_info1.shtml edit ok so it has. still interesting!!
  3. culebra22

    8cm lophophora williamsii for sale

    way less than that. especially with that kind of mite damage...
  4. culebra22

    TBM variants

    hey check this one out: My link ok so it's not TBM... close enough it's a Tricho.. Trichocereus santiaguensis forma mostruosa.
  5. culebra22

    Catha edulis seed

    A lesson in basic forum etiquette. Do you see anything wrong with the following pertaining to your post? 1. this thread was from 2002, the post you quote was from late 2001. 2. it is now actually 2010 3. you are asking a non-active member 4. about something entirely unrelated to the thread topic 5. you also disclose your personal contact details i.e. email address, perfect for spamming.
  6. culebra22

    Reality leaving Avatar fans feeling blue

    parallel - Avatar/Pocahontas. ^click pic to enlarge. if that doesn't work link
  7. culebra22


  8. culebra22

    After bridgessi clones and others

    LOL just classic, Thanks for that. I half expected this to read... "collected off bogans that tried to cut it down and *edit* it" actually on second thought the "burn" intention is probably more appropriate! indeed I'm guessing most bogans would not even be aware of the *edit*. Back on topic I agree with blowng, that's a nice cactus.
  9. culebra22

    After bridgessi clones and others

    sorry to hijack but have to ask... what does this "bogan" clone look like? http://www.bogan.com.au/photos/index.php?album=3ℑ=135 http://www.bogan.com.au/photos/albums/3/Bogan%20brett.jpg
  10. I think I heard that clearing of tropical rainforest e.g in the amazon is responsible for the release of more carbon into the atmosphere annually than the total emissions of all the worlds vehicles combined. not sure if this claim is confirmed or not... or manipulated/exaggerated/inaccurate/propaganda... I believe I heard it on some form of media, so of course it's likely one of the latter category lol. whatever the case I'm all for saving the amazon. fuck the Brazilian government which is going to pay out the rich white/non-indigenous cattle ranchers to stop cutting down trees they are the problem clearing countless acres of rainforest and are already well off as it is supplying maccas why reward them for this environmental vandalism while the indigenous people who have been doing to the right thing protecting their forests don't get paid a cent and continue to live in poverty maybe they should cut down their forests to get paid...
  11. culebra22

    Cielo Caapi rooted cuttings

    Hey sharx how do you find the caapi goes in the cooler months in southern climates, e.g. Victoria? Also do they require highly humid conditions all year round?
  12. culebra22

    Teotzlcoatl's Books

    wow, thanks for that mutant, I like the sounds of this one.
  13. culebra22

    "Seasol" plant health promotion

    I'm sure there is sufficient avian fauna available to supply faecal fertiliser for lophs! Chickens were introduced to Mexico by the Spanish. of course there are turkeys which were domesticated there in pre-Columbian times.