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  1. alucinare

    Bush administration annexes internet

    Yeh, i agree with apothecary. It's just another aspect of the world the US government is unwilling let go of so as to subtly show they are the world power. Question: if the DNS did move into the hands of another more global authority would it really cause the internet to become unstable?
  2. alucinare

    El nino, the monsoon and global warming

    This is obviously a controversial tropic with either side claiming to be supported by scientific research, does anyone know of a credible objective as possible book about this topic? As Torsten said even if global warming is fictious its better to be safe then sorry though there are also the multitude of other problems associated with overpopulation, desctruction of the ecology and various other issues, which, more than likely have some influence upon one another and the entire global system of life.
  3. alucinare

    Christian Debt Relief

    That is one scary idea: the christian town. If non-christian it would be an absolute nightmare to stay there any length of time and imagine the pranks one could play upon an entire christian town, a fly-over with toads or locuses perhaps? heh heh
  4. alucinare

    Future of humanity

    "There is no way that is not the Tao". That quote is taken from a book by Ken Wilber who extracted it from an Eastern philosopher's book, it might not be exact though it is pretty close. Now I take this as meaning there is no "wrong" (not in the good/bad sense) way for Reality to "go" (not in the forward/backward duration of time sense) because everything IS the Tao. Ofcourse once a person deeply realises that then that person is no longer "trapped" in the dualistic state thus they are capable of thinking beyond culture and beyond behaviour, nothing "wrong" with them, however, they do have their limitations as is obvious in the modern world. Though if one so wishes to communicate the usefulness of this state they have to revert back to the dualistic state of mind so as to inspired other person's to "attain" this state. So does one decide to operate from the world of contraries? or does one attain this new state? once one has attained this state what is one to do? maybe this new state will highlight "the way" one needs to go? look at all the inspiring people through-out history they change and evolved past the relative normal and people came to them, followed them; Jesus and Buddha are probably the best example's. On a side note, if anyone is looking for an interesting read have a look at any of Ken Wilber's work. He is seeks to intergrate East and West and then some, the first book of his i read was 'Sex, Ecology, Spirituality'(it is one of the newer ones) which was easy reading and interestingly stimulating.
  5. Yeh i think i'm missing the point. Maybe the "caveman" is a metaphor for a limit of knowledge in man, that knowledge being Newtonian physics, and quantum physics needs an education to understand because there is expanding of that knowledge limit. And how does that apply to religion? which becomes just an opinion when observer and observed are not separate. Just trying to understand the meaning here. quote: we know more and more about less and less. If by "we know more and more" you mean our knowledge has increased and if by "about less and less" you mean about the lesser, smaller aspects of reality, then yes that is possibly true. But there is always more to know and less ignore.
  6. alucinare

    Future of humanity

    quote: Now I have pierced the inculturation and deleted my developmental upbringing, what shall I do? What is worth working for when working for something means others may become blindly sucked up into it as its value becomes dispersed and acculturated? What is the psychaedelic prophecy for the future of the human race? In your opinion?That is an interesting set of questions that will possibly attract a multitude of answers, the following be my addition to that possibility. quote: Now I have pierced the inculturation and deleted my developmental upbringing, what shall I do?First, I think we cannot really format the brain; that is not to say we cannot become aware of the origins of current self and change but that we cannot delete all the mind patterns sewed into us from the very begining otherwise we would not know what we changed from and might possibly develop the same way. So we go beyond our current self to create a new self separate and aware of the former self (and all its culturization), having knowledge/experience the former self had but not being controlled by that former knowledge. quote: What is worth working for when working for something means others may become blindly sucked up into it as its value becomes dispersed and acculturated? Second, maybe the acculturisation of values is not such a bad thing; for an example, look at the 60s culture and the people of that era most of whom were assimilated by the mainstream culture, however, they had a profound life changing experience. Now it seems as though they just gave up on the ideal but maybe they did'nt maybe they knew the best way to go about changing society was from the inside of society, guriella/stealth tatics. It could be that the slow filtration of those ideals using the beforementioned tactic helped spring the current ecological awareness that alot of companies (ofcourse not all) and governments (unfortunately not all) are striving towards. But the awareness of it has increased as has its application. So does the psychedelic culture, or any sub-culture for that matter, want to be a minority keeping its small tight knit groups with while at times critizing mainstream culture for their lack of insight or does it want to make a difference and integrate into culture so as to add a worthwhile new creative part to it. Ofcourse things will be losted but sometimes sacrifice is needed in order to create a new whole. quote: What is the psychaedelic prophecy for the future of the human race?Well it could be that we continue to bask in our own pseudo-glory to be diagnosed with an insidious terminal cancer OR slap on some humility admitted we have fucked up and change OR perhaps it could be a bit of both or neither? but who really knows, the only thing that is possible for us to do is live and contribute to making a change like living a lifestyle that supports companies/organisations/government policies/people who are looking towards the future and wanting change. OR perhaps we could continue with the "busy as usual" mentality. To poorly paraphase Lorenzo Hagerty, from a talk he gave at Mind States 2, a psychedelic thinker is not one who has changed their self to think differently from mainstream culture but also one who acts differently from mainstream culture thus creating the future they wish to be part of. quote: To return to hunter-gathering? Civic republicanism?I think it would not be ideal for us to return to the yesteryear of human evolution but create a new collective self that integrates all aspects of humanity to create a novel expression of conscioussness not something rehashed and repacked so as to look original. Well that is part of an evolving opinion from a possible hopeless idealist. What about you Thelema? your thoughts on your own questions?
  7. alucinare

    Snap demonstration- Bring the Troops Home!

    I think the efficacy of 'the protest' for altering the course of issues such as the Woods situation, or the bulk of other national/global problems, is zero; like optimistically attempting to reanimate a carcass whose death occured long before the decision to give it CPR was made. It seems to have become a token allowance; by the so-called 'democractic' governments of Oz, USA, and UK, for the people under such governments to give the impression that we do live in a freedom-loving society, however, as sometimes implied by the government you must remember that national/global issues handled by the government are far to complex for the protester to completely understand. So they MUST, in the name of freedom and democracy, "lead" the nation and make a decision even though a large/very large minority, sometimes going into the majority, of people disagree with the decision such as what happen at the start of the Iraq debacle where it seemed like the majority of the population of Oz, USA, and UK disagreed with their governments decision. Though maybe i'm just demoralized or perhaps the way lies in individual change/alteration as opposed to force by majority OR minority though perhaps its a bit of both? [ 06. May 2005, 03:17: Message edited by: alucinare ]
  8. alucinare

    Juana "traditional" in Fiji

    Newsbrief: Marijuana Crops Defended in Fiji Senate Hearing While pot production in the South Pacific island nation of Fiji may not be a big deal in the global scheme of things -- neither the US State Department nor the International Narcotics Control Board even mentions Fijian marijuana cultivation -- it remains a controversial topic at home. As DRCNet has previously noted, police and marijuana farmers in the Navosa highlands clashed last fall during eradication campaigns, and the topic has led to much public hand-wringing by politicians since then. Now, the Fiji Times reported, a Fijian senate ad-hoc committee on drugs and vice has held a public hearing on pot growing in the heart of the Navosa region, and they got an earful from local residents. Marijuana cultivation is traditional and should be excused, villagers told the committee chaired by Sen. Viliame Navoka. People grow marijuana for understandable reasons, villagers said, and by the end of the day it sounded like they had convinced Navoka. "For generations the villagers of Navosa have had to travel down mountainous and rugged terrains to reach a road and a few hours more before they can get to the market to sell their produce," Navoka said. "Some have to cross rivers with water up to tire-level and, by the time they reach the market, there is no guarantee their produce will all be sold. They are still facing the same economic hardships their ancestors faced years ago. Some of them said that is why they have no choice but to resort to marijuana growing. The product is lighter, it has a steady market and is economically viable," he said. Navoka added that the committee was "impressed" with some of the large homes and furniture apparently purchased with pot profits, but that villagers were concerned about the impact of marijuana use on the youth, "most of whom had become too lazy to farm." Villagers blamed modern human rights law for making it difficult to enforce traditional customs frowning on such activities. "The villagers emphasized that illegal drugs and social problems could be controlled through the strict observance and preservation of the Fijian culture and tradition," Navoka noted. This is from http://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/380/index.shtml Does anyone know Fijian drug laws? Does anyone know the highest recorded THC content in a MJ plant? You win the satisfaction of knowing the correction answer IF you know the correct answer. heh heh
  9. alucinare

    Pups from base

    Nah they are the same. I'm 99.9% sure they are San Ped's the place i bought them from are reputable and they look like other San Ped's i've seen in pics.
  10. alucinare

    my 1st sensory deprivation tank

    That IS very impressive. How difficult was it to build? are the materials needed commonly available? and if you don't mind could you reveal the cost of that little baby? What about ventilation?
  11. alucinare

    It could happen to you

    That is the one of the conclusion developed for the appreciation/fascination for cacti which i have only developed since growing them. Unfortunately both my cacti are San Pedro's so are only vertical and can be easily connected to phallusness. Also i have yet to grow and form a connection with any other type of cactus.
  12. alucinare

    Pups from base

    Apoth - Ah yes, they are both San Pedro. Are there different species of San Pedro's? From where I bought them they were just called San Pedro. Teon - Yeh i might leave one on there and replant another. One them is a fast grower compared to the other.
  13. alucinare

    Pups from base

    I have to cacti both with little, about an inch in size, pups sprouting from the base. Now should i cut them off, let them scar over and then plant them? or let them grow bigger then cut them off?
  14. alucinare

    It could happen to you

    Apothecary - i've said that to my self many times when looking at my cacti, maybe due to my maleness there is a subconscious attraction/appreciation? heh heh
  15. alucinare

    5 policemen torture drug suspect for hours

    I want to be surprised that this type of stuff happens more often then reported but i'm not, its disappointing that officers like this exist in the force and most of the time are able to get away with this type of stuff. But i suppose the job attracts a certain type of person with that type of person, the violent pathological male type, being more frequently attracted to the force. The recent riots, namely Macquarie Fields (i live just two suburbs away from), is, i think, a combination of a number of factors. First the area is high in government housing (almost entirely) so there is alot of people supported by the government so lower income earners (or legal income anyway). This leads to the increase in illegal activity; MacFields is notorious for its drug dealers and various other criminal activities though i am not saying each and everyone person that lives in these places will turn to illegal activity (though that is the sterotype) but that with such a high number of people that have one major factor in common (low-income earners) in an area there is going to be a focus on a certain type of crime such as in high-income area's there is more "white-collar" crimes. But it just so happens that the crimes committed by lower-income earners are more obvious. These type of activities increase the focus of law enforement and over time, this type of activity has been occuring for a LONG time, there is going to be some abuses. Ofcourse this is going to cause somewhat negative relationship between the police and locals. So i guess since the criminal activity in MacFields is maybe higher than normal and the relations with police/locals is not very healthy combined with the previous redfern riot example another riot is the end sum of this equation. Or maybe there is vast amounts of discrimination being dished out though i am sure there is a little dished out. I wonder if any organisation has decided to investigation the underlying cause of these problems. It would be interesting to see if there is any corelation between the causes of the two riots, i would dare say there would be.