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The Corroboree


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About badwolf

  • Rank
  • Birthday 24/04/1972

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    Western Australia

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  • Climate or location
    Perth, WA
  1. badwolf

    Making sense of HBWR

    I've read a number of things about this tonight. Just ordered ~100 from NSW, hoping they get into WA, but converting the LSA to LSH would be nice, yet it appears hit and miss and unstable. Easily converted back to LSA, so no real loss, it would however be good to experience a cleaner deal. Hell, I'd be happy with less tachycardia and cramps in my legs. Which I am sure my heart and body would be, also.
  2. Jesus, thank christ my am2201 importing days are over, every item inspected by customs, and released to me. nothing as bulk as 1kg however, never more than 20 grams. damn insane that read
  3. badwolf

    The legality of JWH in australia in the past

    You have it all wrong. All those fancy people, why they jump out of perfectly good aero planes, and jump off bridges with rubber bands tied to their ankles.. Why they climb mountains without ropes, or swim with sharks. Some of them do nothing but eat half a cow a day, or drink a gallon of beer a night. How dare you compare your dirty illicit drug taking, which in general is harmful when only illegal due to non-regulation or when sufficient advice is neglect due to a law that would see them use more than familiar with, to those brave people who die every fucking week due to sheer intent and obscure stupidity - albeit legally. Join the army, why not you can vote... Smoke dope? No way, think of the children. No anyone whos everyone knows if you smoke pot youre a criminal, it's far better to jump off a building with a parachute. And safer by a yard!!! No one has ever died base jumping..... or fucking planking for christ sake. *give me soap I need to wash my brain now*
  4. badwolf

    The legality of JWH in australia in the past

    Let me fix that. .. There.. 8]
  5. badwolf

    The legality of JWH in australia in the past

    That is an INSANELY interesting peice of news. I am going to also check that, good info. On a separate note, anyone who wants currently, check the PERTHNOW news website, and search for Kronic. The first link is a Sponsored advert to a NZ company SELLING synthetic cannabis products, including Kronic. Free Shipping to Australia. Great news, if you're a media outlet creating criminals with absurd news items, but getting paid by the actual companies you target. Can anyone spell hypocrit? Since, afterall, it was them who hounded it so far the law barked and we got bit? Grr
  6. badwolf

    The legality of JWH in australia in the past

    Can I hit at a small point I'm curious about T, there are currently 8 listed RC's under legistaltion that ban them federally. What would be a likely scenario should someone procure 10 grams of an unlisted one, but it fall foul of any new unlisted legislation, or preventative measure on behalf od customs, quarantine? From international to WA. Would it be a letter in the mail, a knock on the door, or a snatch and bust as you attend your letterbox? I know the point is bland, but one of concern, and you really seem to know your stuff. The last time I challenged aqis on anything, it got passed around from person to person all bucking the knowledge of something as simple as interstate purchases of blue lotus, which was at the time, refused sale to me by you due to aqis bollocks. I gave up thinking it's a game to them, but from someone who seems completely aware I'd pick your brain, if I could
  7. Sorry to butt in on this important thread, but I need to ask Torsten, are they not pretty much a sequential action should something be obviously chemical/vegetative? I've had 2 items in recent history inspected by customs and only one also involved Quarantine, but both were marked customs inspected. Both were sent on with no additional notices, and as far as everything was concerned, there was no issue. However, one of these were, before I found the Spaghetti Monster and changed my ways, 7 grams of jwh250 and 2 grams of [redacted]. The other was a fancy knife from China. The RC's were not an amount trafficable by any means, but given the way the law likes to up the ante in terms of what things are worth, potentially marketable by their standards. At least by the old standard gram price of pre-mixed herbal RC cruisers. Thanks
  8. badwolf

    current JWH legal status in QLD

    Well there are still a plethora on the horizon, some purported to be stronger than jwh-018 (: And kronic is/was a blend of a few RC's. Hell, even Pineapple Express was shown to have a legitimate prescription drug in it, causing it to be willingly pulled from sale in NZ. Thanks to this kind of legislation, god knows what is going to be crept in to bypass idiotic mind control laws.
  9. badwolf

    current JWH legal status in QLD

    No [redacted] I see. Good news for a wino I know. Bad news for everyone who thinks this POS legislation is just more mind/thought control by the overseers. Shit, you cannot even buy a Bong in WA now, and if you're caught with personal herb then it's enforced Intervention sessions. LEARN WHAT WE TELL YOU, DO WHAT WE SAY. YOU DIRTY CRIMINALS. http://www.dao.health.wa.gov.au/Drugsandalcohol/Thelaw.aspx
  10. badwolf

    NZ Analogue Laws

    I too would love to know how this all works, as having read other sources the analogue laws would have definitely caught am2201, yet before the WA legislation, am2201 and jwh250 were actually inspected by quarantine on entry (one time only, with previously uninspected shipments passing in numerous times) and then passed onto an old wino down the road, without hitch. He's still waiting for another am2201 batch, and is wondering with all the attention thanks to the media and the weepy souls who think a little scare because of stupidity is reason to punish all and sundry, is now of concern. Hrmm.
  11. badwolf

    nutmeg mace dosage

    Hrmm, I've searched the forums for the same question (albeit slightly different) but it's so convaluted with chemical compositions, off topic leadings and overall vagueness that I was going to start a new topic, but found this one and thought I'd just append my Q to it. What would be the best method for obtaining an effect from either the Nutmeg Resin Extract or Mace Essential Oil's as sold in the SAB Shop? I've read as much google as I can take without turning into a chef, starting a fragrance shop or wanting to blow up google (read as - useless info for the most, and unhelpfull info where anything was found). From the searches here, a lot of information relates to the dried powered nutmeg itself, and not the products in the shop. I know there was talk of rubbing the oils into a muscle group and then excercising these muscles, if i read that properly - which is often not the case ;) - but Im wondering if anyone has any history of the products here and how they used it? Do you add it to an oil burner and just enjoy the fragrance, mix it with an inactive herb and smoke it, combine it with a beverage and drink it, gulp the stuff down and wait, plug it (ouch), ingest it sublingually, rub it on your favourite muscle (ahem) and excercise vigorously or contemplate the products and meditate on it?!?! ;) Just looking for some info that so far I've not been able to find using the search engine specific to these products. Oh HYPOTHETICALLY of choarse.. If one were to do this.. 8]
  12. badwolf

    Google Unveils Street View

    hahaha Well said ;)) It would surely make cart rage a new phenomenon. 8] Im just hoping they include it in googleearth - zoom from a globe to a street with decent res. that would be a nice toy. I know what you mean, in regards to privacy tho, just hunting my local suburbs, I did see people, not not faces. Still, there is the function to 'submit images' that you have a problem with. If its a privacy thing, google should oblige. BUT if its just your house, then its a matter of public domain and they may still argue its validity as a part of the thing.
  13. Im not sure what the peoblem is the the stinkmeat? Oo (lol how sad, I typoed your name.. an edit in a 1 liner.. coh!!)
  14. badwolf

    Legalizing Salvia D

    That iteslf is the crux of the argument. Prohibition fails at every angle. And believe me, if something should be illegal (in my own pathetic opinion) it IS alcohol. I'd most likely still have a modicum of health left if I had weed as a substance I could legally procure, besides booze. But that is selfish on my part. I abuse the grog, and it's something I need to deal with, but I *DO* know that back in the day, when I could score a stick (impossible now, everyone has fuckered off oO) I drank far less... The hypocrisy of the current laws is disgusting, and it only breeds more ignorance in the general community. As it is, WA - as I heard on the news tonight - has that cockface carpenter pledging to make marijuana laws stricter (No personal plants, drug paraphanelia illegal to sell etc) so it just seems like we're going backwards. Make their god damned chardonnay illegal, and blame the wino on the street for all the ills booze causes, and you'd see a whole range of people screaming how bullshit it is. But argue the same logic with other substances that when NOT abused, are no threat to anyone, and these same clowns scream "Shut up druggy, your drug addled brain has no merit. Wah wah wah"... I gave up arguing it back in '96 in talk.politics.drugs in usenet, because the general threads went along the lines of: Rational drug user puts forward rational concept for legislation. Irrational drug use opponent screams absurd rehtoric. Rational drug user replies with cited facts and coherent evidence for their argument. Irrational drug user screams obsecenities at Irrational drug use opponent. Irrational drug use opponent latches on and claims victory, citing Irrational drug user as proof. Repeat. The morally bankrupt politicians have nothing to gain from legalizing anything they don't see votes in, and even less when they have paid flunkies to provide them with garbage 'realities' and biased studies. Rhesus monkeys anyone? I spoke once with rhonda parker, when she was the representative for family and health here in WA, after she pushed for harder MJ laws based on her 'proven studies' that showed smoko caused severe problems to the family unit. I got a nice "marijuana has caused blah blah blah blah" reply, which ended in a "Thank you for letting me inform you." reply. Sure, ignore all the things I said and auto-bot me you typical pollie. Pointless much? I've not touched weed in years. I did again once this year. That these pompous gits can tell me Im wrong and that they need to babysit me, is infuriating. I stopped wearing the damn nappy 36 years ago, thanks. I purchased salvia in 01. I was lucky.. 02 it was outlawed. WHERE WILL IT STOP? Australia really is starting to be a joke in terms of customs and local prohibition. We're considered one of the worst when it comes to customs. Wow /rant.. I need a beer, legal, intoxicating, hangover causing, job ruining, argument causing, family fight causing, beer. Oo
  15. badwolf

    Mushroom season 2008.

    Damn, I wish there was someone in Perth I could 'help with' collecting natures gifts.. No car and suburb bound makes damo something something... ;/ Nice pics !!