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The Corroboree


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About No_One

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    Little Smoke
  • Birthday 07/09/1983

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    Mid North Coast, NSW

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  1. No_One

    Seeking Prints

    Hey Everyone, If anyone can help me out with obtaining cubensis prints for microscopy could you PM me please. Thanks in advance. Peace.
  2. Time and place is also worth considering when throwing the term "greatness" around, perhaps even the notion of luck/chance i.e. preparation meeting opportunity - the tastes/persuasions of the majority in a specific time and place play a huge part in determining who are the heroes/villians/god-sends/dissenters.
  3. I tend to think rather than deliberatley serve a purpose great people, by being true to who they really are and who we all really are, remind us or help to put things into such a perspective that we can recognize that the purposes we choose to serve/advocate or have learnt to serve/advocate or possibly have even bought from a previous life and are serving/advocating are shit/low/meaningless/fake/etc.
  4. No_One

    Drug addict paid to have vasectomy

    Awesome post Wandjina. This archetypal parent they'd have to use to measure everyone up with would be an interesting study; this all makes me think of that tamagotchi (spelling?) toy that was around a while back, the little key ring things that started as an egg and you had to raise it/feed it/put it to bed and all that and you could see stats as to what it needed etc. - it's like this lady/DOCS/whoever has found the real life equivalent of the codes that ran these tamagotchies - (I would love to see them aswell). Anyway, when did the old "Don't tell ME how to raise my kids!" chestnut lose it's stopping power, everytime I've heard this said the antagonist/person objecting to someones parenting usually shuts up or is obliged to shut up pretty quickly.
  5. No_One

    Drug addict paid to have vasectomy

    Thanks Wandjina - I'd never heard of that before, very interesting. Will this all lead to tests having to be undertaken before you are "allowed" to have children/keep your reproductive abilities do you think?
  6. No_One

    Drug addict paid to have vasectomy

    I'd say they're talking about the ones that use while they're pregnant and in the process get their kids biology accustomed to having a supply/addicted. It think it has some merit in regard to females/mothers but the drugs are irrelevant biologically in a males/fathers case. I'd like to see the criteria they are using to guage these peoples parenting capacity - what responsibilities are they saying aren't being met cause of the drugs? I'm pretty sure mentally handicapped people or others in society who aren't well equipped to meet it's demands aren't paid to be neutered (or expected to be). Out of curiosity does anyone know how DOCS assesses "parenting"? - do they impose a standard no matter what your beliefs?
  7. Nice one Mud - Jay, I reckon you're question is really would an unorthodox person survive in a culture of orthodoxy, fish out of water type stuff - I think that all depends on whether the dude can hack the challenge(s) he'll face that the majority won't while meeting/satisfying the requirements of survival. Survival is what needs to be worked out/defined i.e. a specific health status, quality of life experince, sustainability and all that - the "whats" we are chasing after.
  8. Yeti, would you say heteronomic people are what Jay is refering to here when he uses "logical" (only learnt that word last week, wanted to use it, seemed appropriate - )? Jay, is 49% logical and 51% creative a creative person? Think of this, creativity produced the items of logic in the first place i.e. ideas, words, language etc. so could logical people be logical without creativity?
  9. Yeah I've been scrounging round and found some stuff that seems plausible; apparently there are accupuncture points along this imaginary straight line and certain pathologies can give a feeling of deadness which is how I would describe what I felt in my arm prior to punching/stomping/thrusting. Alegedly mechanical manipulations can alleviate the pathologies/symptoms and restore proper (or close to it) in the affected organs/tissues - punching/stomping/thrusting was a self-inflicted mechanical manipulation so I think I'm oing to run with this theory. Funnily enough TCM claims restrictions of a certain type of qi (defensive) influences the opening and closing of sweat glands in that area so possibly getting more qi/life back into this dead/numb part of my arm may have influenced regulation of the sweat glands along that meridian leading to a spontaneous release - strange. Massage and Acupuncture are definately on the cards. Peace.
  10. Hey Guys, Something strange happened to me today and I'm having no luck searching the net for possible explanations so I thought I'd ask here. Basic History: I've been working on getting rid of muscle/posturial rigidity. I don't follow any formal technique I just assume postures and perform movements that feel as though they would loosen up the tightness I feel. Progreesively my range of motion has increased and my tensions dissipated. What Happened Today: I felt tight down the inside of my right arm and down through my right leg in a sort of a straight line, without putting much thought into it I stomped my foot and sort of punched toward the earth at the same time - somehow it did something and I had more feeling in that arm and more range of motion. The weird thing was on the little finger side (just in front of my wrist) on the palm of my hand where the thrust/force of the punch would have been transfered there were beads of fluid, I hadn't been handling water/liquids before it and my other hand wasn't clammy at all nor were the other areas of my palm. Has anyone heard of such a phenomenon i.e. random sweat/fluid excretion happening in any sort of therapies/practices/etc. Anyone have a theory? Anyone had any random or strange occurences through self-healing? Peace.
  11. No_One


    Thanks man, I've done some more reading and it all correlates with that you've said - Most of it's all guff, the only thing I think deserves caution is this thing they keep going on about called "passing off" which is apparently what trademark/trade name holders can take you to court for, I won't be passing myself/my services/my goods off as anyone/anyone elses so I should be right I think/hope. I registered an ABN today as a sole trader; next job's to register a/some trading names. Do you know if there's any restrictions or laws pertaining to advertising/promotional material? For example, does it have to have you're ABN on it?
  12. No_One


    Thanks for the reply dude. The context is me trying to work out the business side of being an artist. My understandig is I'm going to need an ABN but I'm not sure on business names, trading names, brands, etc. The word I want to call my "operation" (which will be producing sellable items and selling them through a website) is what I want to print on a shirt as a means to promote/advertise/get people talking about what I do so I can nudge them to my shop. The word is trademarked and it says it's "class 3" which is apparently perfume but there's a partial assignment with a clothes brand - I'm still reading up on partial assignments. I really want to know what freedoms I have with selling creations. Say I wrote a song and called it Big-W or K-Mart and made a shirt with Big-W or K-Mart on it in a way which looked nothing like the logo of the Big-W or K-Mart shops logo, what is happening here, would I be breaking any laws?
  13. No_One


    Just wondering if anyone here knows anything about trademarks? A dude has trademarked a word I wanna put on a shirt, could he reem me for doing it? When does a word no longer become a word and become an image/design i.e. if I argue my handwriting/style is art not words and put this on a shirt in my hand writing or graffiti style could you get away with it? What if somewhere else on the shirt I put a tiny image and claim that is my trademark and the "word" is just an image I came up with that when looked at closely looks like/sort of resembles the word this dude has trademarked. Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing? What's stopping some prick from going through the whole dictionary and trademarking it all or every possible combination of letters/words/sentences (apart from finances)?.
  14. No_One

    Morality of naming soldiers

    There's atleast six generations of voters alive at any one time, if the bringer of change is going to change anything he/she has to please all oppinions in this demographic - the game is the way it is and old ways don't die over night. Standing round and giving it a name or pointing the finger doesn't change much, what good is awareness/knowledge if it isn't follwed by action. The sad fact is that the actions that could fix what a lot of people perceive as a problem is it has to be done in a certain way i.e. democratically/politically/through strenght of numbers and this or arranging this sort of thing takes time and effort which the "opponent" has the jump on you with. I've been through the fight the system trip and found the fort to be heavily fortified and you can never be sure that the "enemy" are actually as they appear or whether things actually are as they are. Whether you like it or not your outgunned by a more organised "opponent" if you wish to see them that way. Everyone thinks their way is the way the world should be run, maybe the world is the way it is cause thats the only way that "works" or it is simply how consequence balances out when all work ethics/skills/abilities/volition/oppurtunity/genetics dovetail(s). I would love to see the people rally together or legitimate/radical politicians but I can't see it happening - there's too much of a demographic/too many opinions to please. Dude, perception is relaity - change the way you look at it - the mind can make a heaven of hell or a hell of heaven and all that - be your own leader - find a flock and tend to them - be thy brothers keeper - etc. etc. Live life from a place they can't touch.