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The Corroboree

Lil Pup

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About Lil Pup

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    Day Tripper

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    Oceanic climate

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  1. Lil Pup

    Grafts -Photos & Updates

    First successful graft! It was originally 10mm tall when grafted. Now pushing 30ish mm in height T.Pach Fields
  2. Cheers for the feedback! Little update on the first one...it didn't take. All good though! I've ordered some parafilm-m and read up on some other techniques, I believe that not drying the pere out before I decided to graft was most likely my undoing. While I wait to get some more pereskiopsis stock going, I just decided to mess around a bit. It looks like a much more solid bond than the last
  3. Lil Pup

    Lights for peres / seedlings

    I was successfully growing pere and seed in a fish tank lined with paper (to reflect the light back in). Had two shitty bedside table lamps with two "Philips 24W Cool White Edison Screw CFL T2". Eventually moved the peres outside in a greenhouse style setup as I was getting bugs. Seeds continue to grow under the light with no signs of sunburn. No idea if any of this is actually the right way of doing it. hahah. I just know that it sort of worked for me! As far as the fluorescent batten lights lights fitting in to wall plugs go, you'll just have to go instore and check. They have displays above where the product is stocked. Some have cords but most are designed to be hardwired in
  4. My First ever graft done about 5 days ago. I believe the seedling was approaching 1 month old. No idea if it took. It hasn't shriveled up and died or popped of, so fingers crossed! It's from a t. Scop X t. Scop seed packet purchased from ebay