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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by DocAzz

  1. DocAzz

    A few garden photos

    err... yeh, that'll great carrying it around with me every afternoon in hopes that I'll come across a garden to snap pics of... hehe i know they're shit. The point is if someone spots something, I can go back and get better pics.
  2. DocAzz

    A few garden photos

    haha no, I door-knock for the family business... gotta love commission only work!! The old man owns a roof restoration company, so while I'm studying I just got for a walk an hour or two a day. I just knock and let them know we're in the area, and if they're interested I setup an appointment for an estimator to go around and give them an inspection. If the estimator makes a sale, then I get $300 (cash, of course, its a family business!). Average about one sale for every three hours of walking, which is friggin good money while I'm only doing 10 hours a week. Yeh I generally have the shakes pretty bad, even tho I think most of the blame should go to the shitty old phone hehe btw, whats a 'scop' ?? and which one would that be?
  3. I've got this foaf, can't remember what country he lives in... but last I heard, he said K was still legal there. He's about to get his hands on some and try it for the first time. Any suggestions or recommendations for him?
  4. DocAzz

    Homemade agar.

    I remember something about using Vegemite in agar from Year12 science....??? Can anyone confirm or deny this?
  5. DocAzz

    Ice junkies

    Yeh I know you're exactly right Torsten. Its a mistake I made 5 years ago, even though it would have made no difference back then, I still should have been around. My best mate committed suicide, in a mental hospital under suicide watch! He was dead to me for a year though. I knew he was going to do it a year beforehand, so I got away almost out of self-preservation. I've never met anyone that took the worlds problems on their shoulders like this guy. He would tell his family not to visit him in Cumberland Hospital because there were people in there that didn't have visitors. He didn't think he deserved what he had, and that it wasn't fair he lived when so many others suffer and die around the clock. I know he would have never made a call for help, but if he did I would have seen his number and not answered the phone. I guess I'll just have to make sure I'm always available this time... I've always been pretty weird with drugs. I'm even the only person my mates know that was sober on their own 18th party. I had my first drink when I was 19. I've only smoked weed twice and it was a bonding thing both times (once I was with my cousins that I hadn't seen in years, and they were all on it) and I've only ever had three e's. Those e's were only last year aswell, which again was a bonding occassion - not something I took just to go out and get high off. I just think about the drug and its effects and think "well why would I want that? I'm generally too lazy, so I don't smoke pot... and I'm pretty happy in general so pills are out too." I've never had coke for the same reason. Yet I have always liked meth/ice/speed. The impairment of my cognitive functions was insignificant. I only started on it to keep up with all my pill-popping mates. I just started a shift-work job during uni holidays back then, and I thought "hey, I can use this at work every time I sleep like shit the night before." So I started cutting up lines in the work toilets when I'd get into work at midnight. Even when it was happening everyday, if I had no excuse on the weekend to use then I never would. Its like I was using at the level of an addict, and turned it off the instant I quit the job. This attributed to my belief that the drug was relatively harmless.
  6. DocAzz

    Ice junkies

    Thats a fair call JOP, but lines must be drawn. Lets look at both sides of this.... For starters, I'm the closest to family this guy has. His brother won't say or do anything, and his sister will just slap him and walk away. I'm lucky I have a great family life. I get along really well with all my brothers, and my parents. Dad shits me sometimes, but that'll happen when you work for the family business. The stresses of running a business have to be vented somewhere lol I love this guy. He is like my 4th brother. I can't walk. I wish he'd leave the fuckin mole he is with tho. I'd love to blame her, but I know he puts the pipe to his own lips. I know if I can get him alone for one weekend, I can keep him sober, but he has no will-power when she is around. She doesn't like just being high, she needs to be red-lining the whole time. Two weeks ago it was three points smoked, and four E's... three hours later she was bugging the guy with ADHD for his dexies. She made him drive back to his place (granted it was only the next suburb over) and he was the designated driver to get them. Then the bombshell hit "I promise I'll fix you up for them later, cos I don't have any money on me" which turned into "I should have just sucked on some chalk last night, cos those dexies were shit" the next morning. Now, JOP, go for a walk thru any city park. You'll see alot of people that need help and support. But you can't help all of them. Situations have to be assessed. Its not just based on how much the person deserves it either... Its based on you, and the effect it will have on your life. If you help a mate out, and he ends up stealing from your family in the mean time then it might as well have been you that stole from them. If he ends up harming your partner, then it might aswell have been you that did it. Anything he does will be your fault while he's under your control. If you love the person enough, then you'll do anything for them. And I will. If it was anyone else, then I would have to seriously consider it.
  7. DocAzz

    Spore Prints wanted

    Email replied to! lol
  8. DocAzz

    Spore Prints wanted

    Heya, I don't have a great deal to trade... in public, anyway lol If someone could get me on MSN ([email protected]), perhaps we could organise something of interest for you. I'm looking at getting a few spore prints for some mass study. Cheers
  9. DocAzz

    Obama Smacks Down Little Johnny

    I've got a mate thats in Iraq now. His brother said before they left (back in '03) they were told, and I quote, to "pack for a holiday" because there is "no WMDs" over there. That was pretty standard Australia intelligence.. they were getting shipped off for show. Think about every armed conflict that the USA has been involved in since 1900. America has won everyone, yeh? Thats the impression you get anyway. The closest they ever got to a victory was the armistice of WWI. If they didn't come in, at the last minute, Germany would have cleaned up. What happened in WWII? It was Russia that took Berlin, and they then took Poland and another half of Europe! China kicked the US out in 1947 under communist rule. Korean war? Well, the Chinese called that "War to resist America, and aid Korea." This ended in an armistice aswell, but the yanks were pushed south by China. This was meant to be a civil war aswell, but the US stepped in, so China thought "well, thats not fair!" and helped out the North... Vietnam war - ha! 16 years of fighting, to end with the yanks getting pulled off the roof of their embassy by helicopters! With a little country like Vietnam! What a fucking joke that was. Lebanese civil war... The US sent marines over there to "help out". Too little, too late. Guess what? They pulled out like a guy not wearing a condom. Somalia - anyone seen Black Hawk Down? That makes light of the fucking distaster they got into over there. The Yugoslav civil war was a good one too. It got called the Balkan Conflict to downplay what was really going on. The whole area ended in the bloodiest fighting in europe since WWII. The whole place had been reduced to poverty, and is still struggling from it. This brings us up to the first iraqi war, afghanistan and the current war on terror... we all know what a cock-up each of these are. It also makes me think about communism - just what part of sharing is so fucking bad? The part about large corporations, and the families behind them, not controlling everything.
  10. Ever wondered why only one event in history is illegal to question??
  11. DocAzz

    My oh me... LSD

    I consider him the great-grandfather of heavy metal. As he started to lose his hearing, his music got more chaotic and dischordant... not to mention louder! Listen to the third movement of the 'Moonlight Sonata' peice (presto agitato). I swear you will be able to visualise a lead-guitar shredding all those arppegios! Tool always gets me, and I've just got myself some Pink Floyd (I'm eager to try it out).
  12. Of course a peice like that will cop flak. ANYTHING that remotely criticises Israel, or anyone of jewish decent, is instantly branded anti-semetic. Everyone should just be pro-semetic should they?
  13. DocAzz

    HBWR and shellite

    Spoke to the foaf of mine... Never had any complaints about nausea since using shellite. No probs with potency either. He had 3 caps (9 seeds) on NYE, and really had a cool trip. I'd think it comes down to care taken, and storage. Each to their own, I guess.
  14. DocAzz

    HBWR and shellite

    Yeh wrong forum. Still a foaf i know uses shellite regularly for this. He grinds the seeds up in an electric coffee grinder, and then soaks the resultant powder in shellite for two hours. A paper coffee filter is setup in a mug, and the shellite/seed mixture is tipped into the filter and left to drain out. The seed mash is then spread out near a window with a fan blowing over it softly, and left until you can no longer smell any shellite... and then left longer, just in case. The shellite will then have a slight green tinge to it. This means it has worked. According to his experimentation, two hours is sufficient (hasn't tried shorter periods of time yet). He's left it for up to two days, and has not noticed any difference (using home measuring equipement... he only has 0.01g scales). He hasn't bothered then extracting the LSA from the seed mash, he just caps it as it. Works fine. Make sure you weigh what goes into each cap - he puts 3 seeds into each cap, then takes two or three caps.
  15. DocAzz

    Morning Glory voyages

    I think that is pretty much his plan Its amazing what you can find when you talk to people! The one thing I have noticed is how RCs (Research Chems - 2C-B, 2-C-T-7, etc) can polarise people who like entheogens. They either love them, or refuse to touch them.
  16. DocAzz

    Morning Glory voyages

    I just asked the foaf. He's had MGs, but he hears that its closer to 200-300... Its a fun experience, but not a great one. He loves the body-high... he said one night "its like being on ecstacy, but not... its like being stoned, but not... its like being on speed, but not... everything looks normal, but isn't... this table feels exactly how a table should, but its fantastic." He said he doesn't like MDMA at all, only had two pills ever, yet the HBWR felt like everything MDMA should be, but has never been for him. Plus he likes going into a dark room, and laying down with his eyes closed, then laughing himself to tears at the closed-eye visuals. He has a few grams of subs, some LSD, DXM, 2C-B and 2-C-T-7 in front of him. He reckons he'll enjoy them more. The DXM not so much - he hates the two day hangover, even though it is a wild ride. :drool:
  17. DocAzz

    Morning Glory voyages

    Spot on. A group of people I heard about used the HBWR seeds fairly frequently at low doses 3-5 seeds. Some experienced nausea, others didn't. They decided to grind them up and extract the nasty oils, then cap the remainder. 200 seeds went through this process. The nausea was non-existant, but I'm told the there was one thing they didn't consider. The difference in ingestion. When you chew the seeds (where legal) your saliva helps pull out the LSA, and a high is experienced within 15mins (under 5mins on one account) peaking about 45-60 mins. When these are capped, the time it takes the LSA to get into your system is dramatically increased. This group of people had three caps each (about 3 seeds per cap) and felt nothing after an hour. Disappointed, another 3 caps each were ingested. Very slight effects were felt an hour after that, so everyone dropped another 2 caps each. So about 24 seeds ingested per person. Well, about half hour after this everyone really started to feel the full effects. The most experienced tripper in the group (a foaf of mine) was really starting to enjoy it, but as the night went on it just became more annoying and frustrating than anything else. He came out of the experience unscathed as he was well aware he was having a bad trip, and just curled up into a ball in the corner of a bedroom to ride it out. He knew it would end soon enough, and wasn't worried at all... just frustrated he couldn't gain any from it (except not to dose THAT high ever again hehe). A couple of others didn't fare so well. Luckily an experienced tripper was only trip-sitting that night. He did a marvelous job of holding their heads together. He hasn't found high doses of the LSA all that enlightening. They're fun, until the night drags on, then they're just frustrating. The best advice he gave me with LSA is to work your way up, and stick with something that works on a social level. I hear there are more enlightening substances if you really wish to trip, and be pinned to your chair.
  18. DocAzz

    Shaman At Fairfield Markets...

    Dunno, but you can always give this a try: "Hi, are you a member of the Shaman Australis Botanicals forum? I'm a bit of a newbie on there, and I'm just wondering if you have anything of interest in stock." I'm certain he'd probably help if he can see you're genuine, and not some punk kid lookin' for a quick high
  19. DocAzz

    What to plant on a poisoned garden?

    It depends which membranes you use. Roll-on acrylics, latexes and polyurethanes don't need it (and they're non-toxic), its really only the spray-on polyurethanes that need the mask. And yes, I always do.... full face mask and respirator. Don't use torch-on membranes, they're no good. Its old technology. I did one job specified in torch-on bitumen... it took 5 weeks. Had I been allowed to use a spray-on polyurethane it would have been completed in two days, as there was ALOT of detail work. Even though the product costs twice the amount, is it really worth the extra in wages? What if I said I wanted a labourer with me? People in the construction industry make some really silly mistakes based purely on here-say.
  20. DocAzz

    What to plant on a poisoned garden?

    Surfers? Thats no good. I was about to offer to do the work for ya! I was a waterproofer for a while. The lab I worked in made construction chemicals - membranes, epoxies, grouts, additives for concrete, sealants, all sorts of cool stuff - but like most labs it didn't pay much at all. So I got a job out on the tools. Application, instead of Testing. I never had one job interview, as I would tell people my previous employer (BASF) and they would offer me a job on the phone. They figured it was good to have a nerd that doesn't mind a bit of hard work If anyone else has waterproofing problems, let me know
  21. DocAzz

    What to plant on a poisoned garden?

    I haven't seen the garden, but I'll assume its a planter box on a balcony. It sounds like it needs to be epmtied, sealed, and waterproofed properly before you do anything else. This will stop the roaches getting in, and it will also stop any other structural problems later on. You may also find some structural problems when its empty! This way you can start with fresh soil, you won't need to worry about poisons, or future roach attacks.
  22. My dreams are very rarely vivid, or "real" but in the past few months, after my e-discovery of psychedelics and entheogens, my dreams have been kicking into over-drive. They are ultra-real, even if I was working my way down into a dungeon last night hacking up cyber-zombies with a companion to save my brother, it felt like the only existance I knew. I had all my actual memories to recall, and then they just led to this point! I should have thought about it upon waking, as now its harder to recall. I do remember this make-shift axe I made from a broken pipe, and I spent time just feeling it and noticing how much it weighed, as I was trying to convince myself I was only dreaming, but my mind wouldn't have a bar of it... It felt like a heavy steel pipe, I even cut my finger on the edge. I can only recall a few times in my past 24 years when dreams have been as vivid as the last few months. Now it is a weekly occurence! I'm just wondering what people think about this? I have a feeling my mind is preparing me for a journey with DMT, by giving me smaller doses of it while I sleep.
  23. DocAzz

    Sydney finds?

    I live out in Baulkham Hills, and I went for a wander today after the recent downpour we've had. At first I was reading about the ideal places to look and I got a little depressed, then I realised its bloody baulkham hills, I knew a few good spots to look... I trekked thru winston hills earlier today - not a thing. I will walk thru other parts the district tomorrow. Does anyone live nearby? Has anyone found anything anywhere else in Sydney? Blue Mountains (I'm in springwood alot) ???
  24. Thats the fucked up thing about the government. What happens when a big business goes bust? (by bust, I mean, the entire board give themselves pay-rise after pay-rise, and fuck everyone else over) They get government handouts to help out. Where to the handouts go? To the same board to distribute. What happens when a small business goes bust? We go bankrupt, and get told to suck eggs. What happens to our employees? They get the same short end of the stick the small business owner gets. Fair? Well, we (as a whole) voted for them. The two-party system is shit. I should stop before I go on for hours!
  25. DocAzz

    warning about ebay scam

    I must say I do know of a similar directory of 'information'. A number of private companies have this information. I have a friend that works for one of them.... the amount of information a private company has on any one of us is SCARY. I mentioned one night at a party that I was trying to track down an old friend, who ripped off a number of people to a total of over $10,000 (myself included). She overheard the conversation and said to email her his full name, and any other information I might have. DOB, suburb, phone (home, work or mobile, but not prepaid), even parents names! anything! I did so. I had his DOB only. She sent back a form with a few matches that I looked at, I knew one of them was him, and I told her the one I wanted cos I heard he lived near Hornsby. She then sent me that match, which had his address, phone numbers, employer and landlord. I called the employer at 7am one morning, and asked if he was in. "No he doesn't start till 8:30, would you like me to take a message?" I replied "oh no, he finishes at 5pm yeh?" "yes sir" "well, I'll just catch him after work then. Thanks!" So I now have all his details, and daily whereabouts. I passed all this information on to people who had been ripped off. I'm waiting for some of them to collect before I do, as I didn't lose much, and have already replaced the equipment (two guitar amps) that he had pawned.