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The Corroboree


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About Infinitee

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    Northern NSW
  • Interests
    My dear ethnobotanicals and the weather ...

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    Nor-East NSW
  1. Infinitee


    My comfrey plants are slow-growing compared to others I have seen and haven't had flowers or seeds for almost a whole year, but the leaves make a good fertilizer and an even better compost stimulant. Don't forget, you can propagate comfrey by division, so if someone in your area has a plant they wouldn't mind taking down in size, you could get a clump for free You can eat the young leaves. They're a bit furry but. Sorta like edible sandpaper really. But I'm sure it's nutritious!
  2. Infinitee

    East Meets West

    There is a chapter of the book 'The Souls in the Seas' by Scott Taylor, which deals very thoroughly with the effects of tobacco, coffee, chocolate and whale oil on western societies, the people, the attitudes, social and historical data etc. Very very interesting, though the book largely deals with the question of Cetaceans as posessing consciousness and influencing human affairs, but the one chapter as i mentioned is a very good examination of the history. Good luck.
  3. Infinitee

    Looking for Hordeum seed (barley grass)

    That's a pretty good price at eden, TDM. For that amount, have you considered utilising barley's nutritious grain, in addition to it's grass? Can be used in a lot of recipes, beer-brewing not being the least among them
  4. Ta, I'll happily order both. Props for the awesome service too
  5. Infinitee

    Important legal update for NSW and Qld

    Aye aye, vertmorph. JD, two ayes are enough to keep millions of cars from crashing, all across the world, every single day. Two ayes should Easily be enough to start off your Edenic community. I'd suggest steep mountains. I'm pretty concerned that the QLD police force was 'not aware of differences in interstate drug law' ... that's a bit of an insult to our ethno community who try to understand the law (in threads like this) and maintain our gardens, to the best of our ability, within the realm of the 'lawful'. The officers who are busting us for our plants (plants that contain chemical compounds, what wicked sorcery! ) aren't even properly trained in the law and yet we are being constantly threatened by updates to the drug laws every year (or more often) !
  6. Thanks, that's great. The Webstore seems to indicate that only red paste is available, do you know when white will be purchasable again?
  7. I have been wondering how to get food-grade lime additive so that I could try enhancing the nutrition of my corn and maize grains. (see Wiki article below) Torsten, do you know if the lime paste you sell would be appropriate to use in cooking (with sufficient rinsing after use) ? If so, would either the red or white lime paste be superior over the other? Thanks.
  8. Infinitee

    String hypothesis in two minutes or less

    I have always wanted to study String Theory in depth to test the bounds of my comprehension and sanity (heh!) this video gave an excellent two minute overview that has re-inspired me to find my library card. Thanks
  9. I believe there is a tree planting day mid-year at the Woodford Folk Festival site and it's rewarded with either entertainment then in the mid-year, or tickets to the end of year festival (sorry, forget which). It's full of young people as it is the scene dug by more young 'uns. Check it out.
  10. Infinitee

    Bring down the Government!!!

    That's curious ramon, can I ask why you'd vote liberal (1st time) next time round? (no problem, just interested) Sadly, I do not think we fight for democracy, mountain-sage. Our country, like USA, really only has two political parties with ability to get in power .. they both serve mildly different promises, but both will not do the things that we, the so-called minority want .. which is True democracy, a backflip on civil-liberty impositions, new plant/drug laws and massive change to our impedence on the natural environment. These things require sacrifice on the part of peoples' consumerism which barely seems to be slowing down - if at all. I live in the region with the highest non-voting population in Australia. To me this signifies a big to not just the politicians, but our whole backwards political system. Perhaps you should start telling people that they don't live in much of a democracy at all. For one, the people don't lead. For two, our elected 'representatives' rarely even hold to their promises. And for three, the parliament is not assembled by % of votes throughout Australia, it's by regional majorities - which basically stifles the voice of minorities (even a 49% minority). Note: Political democracy should not equal 'majority rules' (sadly, one of the dictionary definitions) it should mean, ruling by the people or that the ruling is driven by the desires and concerns of the people. Labour .. Liberal? There's no difference people, no difference - they are just two sides of the same coin. Two management-teams bidding for the job of Slavery Incorporated! ♪♫ But when the people lead, the leaders they will have to follow K. Rudd (Krudd!) apparently once studied populism .. that birthed a spark of hope in me for broad-mindedness, but the more I see and hear, the more I realise he is simply the same. How else could he get into a job where you have to answer to so many conservative fat-cats? Excuse my passion.
  11. Infinitee

    Salvia legislation page revised and updated

    Right, thanks so much for the advice and the facts, Torsten. Makes sense for them to change the name they mis-scheduled, but I hardly see how they could shrug something so ridden with corruption off like that. And where was the media over what is essentially a 'scandal' (I thought they loved these things)? But would it not be wise to spread the word of the TGA's corruption and blunders to increase the awareness that they are full of cubensis-substrate?
  12. Infinitee

    Salvia legislation page revised and updated

    Thanks for your [very] hard work, Torsten .. I'm sure to be appreciated by many. The page certainly doesn't leave much hope .. even in-so-far as treated seeds. Do we not even come close to having a leg to stand upon with the fact that the law was poorly passed, limited notification to the public, incorrect chemical compound made illegal and not to mention the fact it does not have much potential for abuse .. ? But mainly the fact that the compound made illegal is presumably non-existent? Or is putting (Salvinorin A) in brackets after a chemical name enough for them? Note: On Thomas Munro's page, he claims the incorrect name would be a 'strong basis' for challenging the law in court .. but the close-minded nature of people towards anything that causes 'hallucinations' (besides sleep) would not engender me with the greatest of confidence.
  13. Infinitee

    Free Acacia maidenii seeds

    Oh thank you so kindly Mr. Phosphene! You've made my .. trip. And thanks for the generosity involved in a free seeds lottery-comp .. your example is inspiring
  14. Infinitee

    Free Acacia maidenii seeds

    At the risk of loving a bandwagon, I'd love to, [free lottery, shit yeah!] thanks bro.
  15. Infinitee

    Can anyone point me in the direction of:

    To my indignant outrage, in the last few months, some idiot decided to make individuals unable to acquire Green Tea extract through a chemist in NSW. It is still fine in QLD, but not so easy for all of us to cross the border, once to order our drugs and again to obtain them. A health shop, or herbalist might be the go. Def seen hops extract at health food shops locally. Good luck, oh and green tea ext. is the shit, anybody know how to extract delicate aminos from organic matter??