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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by panda

  1. can refer to my other post not sure how long it will be till i need some for my university exam. never studied mushrooms before but just starting anyone that can offer advice would be greatly appreciated

    already started searching online just to many tutorials to choose from feel free to comment the your tops do's and dont's!! .  

  2. Quick Question  there a heaps of second hand pressure cookers for sale ? does it matter there second hand will it affect anything? and what they have cooked in it or any pressure cooker is fine even if it is old and stained?

  3. Hi there thanks for taking the time to read my noob post so ive been looking for this forum for a few  months now haven't  been on this the site in a good 3 years. my question to everyone reading the post is how is it looking for spore trading these days?  i was in contact with a few people of this forum Skellum/drildo but obviously   they cant wait a few years for me to reply ill be looking for some soon to study for my university project ofcourse at the moment i have 1 option which is a subreddit {sporetraders} can anyone tell me how reputable this place is or if anyone has had any experiences. if i have no luck anywhere online  ill be walking down to my neighbours cow paddock to buy some milk with a few questions .  

  4. After a few years of understanding,researching i think I'm ready to find some some spores for micocopy@tion purposes is there anyone still active that can guide me the right way.

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