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The Corroboree


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About pineapplechunks

  • Rank
    Day Tripper

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  1. pineapplechunks

    Cube Spore Print.

    Cheers Cubism, I'll have a look.
  2. pineapplechunks

    Magic Mushroom Doco!!

    Paul Stamet, the host, also has a great TED talk worth checking out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI5frPV58tY
  3. pineapplechunks

    Cube Spore Print.

    G'day everyone, I'm new to the community. Very much in the same boat as sillysyban so I figured I'd just post in here instead of starting my own thread. I'm also in Victoria looking to start a microscopy collection and would love some cube prints for that purpose. Would be much, much appreciated if someone could be generous enough to help out. I don't really have anything to offer as a trade but I'm more than happy to pay forward down the track as my collection grows and help out another newbie after microscopy samples. Something exotic like Amazonian or Ecuadorian would be cool, but I suppose beggers can't be choosers.
  4. pineapplechunks

    Pinning Pr0n

    Wow, these look nice!