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Strontium Dawg

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Everything posted by Strontium Dawg

  1. Strontium Dawg

    Post your track of the day

  2. Strontium Dawg

    Post your track of the day

    I can't get enough choral music at the moment...
  3. Strontium Dawg

    Watch this space

    And I also think buds need a little more moisture for vaping compared to smoking. Which is a problem sometimes for storage of bud as it requires constant checking to make sure you don't end up with a load of mould affected weed. Different vaporisers need fine tuning to find your sweet spot I've found. I was used to running the boundless at the lowest setting of 175°c and occasionally at 182°c as that seemed about right. But for a crafty or mighty, you get similar flavours from 202°c. Now I've been running the extreme Q at 220-225°c and the vapour quality is about the same as the others listed at a much lower temp. I think the temp sensor is located close to the source of heat, but the herbs are packed further away so the air probably cools a little along the way. Experiment, find your sweet spot. I haven't used a volcano before, but it's the gold standard so maybe try a lower temp, or play around with the variables you can control to see if you can get past that harshness. Curing also plays a major role in taste. I'd wager most commercial crops are dried and pushed out for sale asap, I certainly see some very pale green material that doesn't look like it's cured properly. A decent cure will break down much of the nitrogen that would otherwise end up converting to ammonia, possible reason for the harshness?
  4. Strontium Dawg

    Watch this space

    Interesting, what temp were you running it? Assume you were using a balloon not a whip. And you mean dry herb not concentrates? I can't smoke anymore at all, it just makes me feel terrible.
  5. Strontium Dawg

    Fluffy bunny rabbits

    Yeah, morbidity is driven by existing poor health largely. But the other adverse effects I mentioned are not necessarily. I understand this is still early days, and we don't really yet know the full picture. For once, (and RC, you know how I lean politically) I actually do think the government is trying to protect people from harm. How hard is it to wear a mask? Really? Not very hard. What harm does it do? None. We have jumped a long way from government being in the pocket of business to this current status and I think that says a lot when many of those industries we talked about have been all but shut down now. We have run a gamut in this thread alone. From full on denial that Covid is even a thing (Sally), to maybe it's a thing but it's exaggerated (RC) to it's a thing that's real, maybe it's not the end of the world but it's serious enough to warrant measures to limit the damage. @Sallubrious, what is It you would like to see happen? Because what I feel you are suggesting is that we head down the path of the US. And it doesn't strike me that you have much support there. Maybe I'm wrong, but what is it you would like to see happen instead of what's happening?
  6. Strontium Dawg

    Fluffy bunny rabbits

    We are only oranges because we are spared the worst of the predatory or severely lacking healthcare systems of some of those countries. We had an advantage in that we were given time to implement measures to curb the spread. We don't have the overall population density of some of these places, that's true. But we still have a population highly concentrated around coastlines and urban centres. So if we didn't implement measures, and if most people weren't reasonably rational in following them, do you really think we would still be oranges vs apples?
  7. Strontium Dawg

    Fluffy bunny rabbits

    Deaths the top of the iceberg. Look into the damage done to organs, especially lungs and heart, the vascular destruction, persistent psychiatric disorders etc that the disease also causes. There's the real drain on healthcare resources, much more than a dead person. My brother works as a nurse in a Covid ward and it's real, it is a serious threat.
  8. Strontium Dawg

    Watch this space

    Common sense really innit. Edit: now I've read the paper, it's a hypothesis only, no experiments have been performed, so not sure about some of the claims made. I doubt the temperature of a dab nail would reach the high temp required for such a conversion to happen. If the subject of the paper had been in the habit of inhaling 1g of bho at a time, that alone would be a lot of very hot oily vapour to bring into your lungs and I would posit that might be a more likely cause of her pneumonia than methacralein degradation by products.
  9. Strontium Dawg

    Quotes of the day.

    ..if you follow your intuition, you will more often than not err by misclassifying a random event as systematic. We are far too willing to reject the belief that much of what we see in life is random. Daniel Kahneman
  10. Strontium Dawg

    Youtube vids

    A short film by Dali, Disney and Pink Floyd. Lost for nearly 50 years then completed.
  11. Strontium Dawg

    Watch this space

    Its an area ripe for research hey.
  12. Strontium Dawg

    Watch this space

    Here's some light reading on vaping cannabis. Not exactly news to many of us but a good read nonetheless. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4718604/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4456813/
  13. That's interesting, I have always assumed the opposite, which was my experience too.
  14. Strontium Dawg

    Post your track of the day

    Increase the peace
  15. Strontium Dawg

    Who here meditates ^__^

    The other form of meditation I really like is walking meditation. You just walk, and pay attention to walking.
  16. Strontium Dawg

    Who here meditates ^__^

    I have changed my meditation style to a slightly more active type. I used to sit and just be aware, now I practice breathing deliberately. I have worked daily at it in the mornings for the last few months and I do find it is a great start to my day. My session is around 18 minutes each day. I have struggled in the past to motivate myself to practice consistently with other meditation types, and I think consistently doing it is one of the keys. I used to think that I should be getting better at it, or something, but not everything needs to be a linear progression. Now I just do it. Sometimes I do reach a really amazing state of calm and "isness". Everything goes aqua blue and it just "is".
  17. They exist in free form and also as meconate salts.
  18. Strontium Dawg

    Help with i.d

  19. Remember pharma MAOIs are not the same as RIMAs.
  20. Assuming that Ute has a flux capacitor and can travel back in time to 2016...
  21. Strontium Dawg

    Your Tax Dollars at Work - WA

    I remember watching the doco "fungimentary" about Ballingup way back in about 1996 and the cops were all over it even back then. Nothing new, ABC online news arm is woeful, but that's what happens when you cut funding for proper investigative journalism (wouldn't want to uncover any white collar crime now, would we?). You end up with lazy stories like this. Next stop Vice!
  22. Strontium Dawg

    ID Fungi

    Amateur ID attempt: chlorophyllum brunneum?
  23. Strontium Dawg

    Seed suggestions

    Fraileas are rad. I'm massively into copiapoas at the moment too.
  24. Strontium Dawg

    Wanted A.Obtuse

    If you don't get any offers I have tons of seed.
  25. Strontium Dawg

    Watch this space

    Sounds like he is exactly the kind of person that should be a judge. Now unfortunately he's gone and I'm sure they'll fill the void with someone who has no issue with sentencing people for personal use.