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Everything posted by ace1928

  1. ace1928

    Black Portuguese Millipedes, control methods

    Try sealing the shed or donga up with expanda foam. I lived in a shed for a while and we used that to seal up the whole outside. Spray it from the inside towards the seams in the shed/donga and it will expand up and seal it. Adds a surprising amount of insulation too if you want to use it for that additionally. Not real pricey. Covers a pretty large area. Definitely wind proof so will be bug proof. Could help.
  2. If it wasn't for that bloody bong when I hit 18 I could have been a dropkick retail worker for the rest of my life... Suppose different folks react differently to the herb
  3. http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/0004-6256/151/2/22 Pretty cool little article that talks about some interesting orbital anomalies that have been observed in kuiper belt objects over the years and the way they point towards the possibility of the existence of a planet between the size of earth and neptune. The supposed planet has some interesting orbital properties and the simulation that produced the suspected orbit of the planet was also able to predict some strange orbits of distant kuiper belt objects such as Sedna. It will be cool to see if it is discovered/observed at some point in the near future. Enjoy
  4. ace1928

    Composition of Moon Rocks

    They are cool! Another thing I hadn't read into before. Had thought about denser spots of material on celestial objects before and how it might cause issues. This article is cool relating to it. http://phys.org/news/2013-05-team-moon-mascons-mystery.html
  5. ace1928

    Composition of Moon Rocks

    I like space kind of shit and I hadn't seen this before today. It's pretty cool to be able to know the rough composition of the rocks taken from the surface of the moon. http://curator.jsc.nasa.gov/lunar/letss/Mineralogy.pdf
  6. That journal is so fucking interesting. Thank you so much. There are quite a few plants that contain interesting CB1 and CB2 agonists listed in the full article (which is free!!!) Lot's of them are not analogous chemicals to THC either which makes them particularly interesting.
  7. Interesting article to go with it that specifically mentions European law relating to plant breeders rights, which includes mushrooms. http://www.gombaforum.hu/en/2015/gazdasag/fajtavedelem/
  8. There are definitely commercial strains that do have rights that go with them. Swiss brown mushrooms are one that immediately come to mind, as with sporeless varieties of oyster mushrooms. I'd be speaking to a legal aid person first of all to find out if it is a problem in Australia or not. And then go from there. Also just because someone else does something with no problems doesn't mean you will be able to do the same. Some people are just lucky and manage to avoid getting in shit. Best of luck
  9. ace1928

    don't cha hate it when..

    Make 2 more email addresses and vote 3 times
  10. ace1928

    electric timer with multiple on/off per day

    I could probably help you out in the future with using arduino to automate your computer and have it run to a computer controlled terminal Arduino automation is my kind of thing If you send me a PM with the kind of things you'd like automated in your greenhouse I can start to have a look at what's required for each individual component. The joy with arduino is that the sensors are easy to replace, the arduino itself is easy to replace and any one component costs very very little. It's kind of like a multi-component plug and play system and the sketch (code) for the arduino ties it all together into a nice little package.
  11. ace1928

    Auction: HUGE grafted loph!

    The math checks out Wish I wasn't a broke ass student. Beautiful plant
  12. Mine haven't shown yet either but I'm hopefully given the above messages mentioning delays for some aussies in previous giveaways Thanks again Nitrogen
  13. Its awesome to see that there is an interest in this type of stuff from multiple people here. Definitely good to see
  14. ace1928

    Getting Grafts on Own Roots

    You could try dipping in a rooting gel if you really want but just treating it like zelly mentioned will work for most There are a few species that are supposedly tricky to root though, like astros, and in that case you could try chopping off all but the top 1cm of stock. Callous it up for a week or too and then try and root that. Have heard it can work out quite well and eventually the stock plant will throw out some roots too.
  15. I second Etho's statement. And I feel that it is a far far safer path than ibogaine. Yes ibogaine has some documented cases of being effective but there are also numerous documented cases of "therapeutic doses" leading to fatal intoxication. There are too many differences between peoples physiology to assume that a helpful dose for one is helpful for another. And unless shamans have some magical ability to read the individual receptors and enzymes of individuals compared to the "average" then I don't see how they can honestly make a call about administering a potentially fatal substance to a vulnerable individual. In a controlled medical setting it would be a whole different story. There are things that can be done to help you if ibogaine intoxication is expected, but it's not going to be helpful if you are in the middle of the bush and away from potential medical care.
  16. ace1928

    Spiritual purging

    "Stimulation of the 5-HT3 receptor causes emesis. Substances can be agonists directly of the 5-HT3 receptor or induce serotonin release, and serotonin stimulates afferents projecting to the vomiting center [1]." That is pretty freaking cool. Hadn't read about that before. I don't think that the vomiting that occurs from ethanol is necessarily due to agonism of the 5-HT3 receptor. And there must also be individual differences in susceptibility to vomiting due to 5-HT3 agonism, as many individuals would have unique isoforms of proteins (slightly different versions of one protein ie the 5-HT3 receptor protein). It would be really interesting to take a 5-HT3 antagonist before a huge intake of ethanol or any other purgative substance to test the effect of removing that kind of signalling. I also think that anyone would feel awesome after stopping purging. Which may lead to the feeling, in retrospect, that the purge itself lead to the good feelings therefore it must have removed something bad (which was actually the thing you just had that made you purge and feel shit). So it's kind of making yourself feel shit for long enough and in such a way that when you feel back to "normal" it actually feels "good".
  17. I don't think those pieces are pre-joined at the beginning of our journey but I most definitely agree that coincidences occur in life that can have immensely profound repercussions and through no direct action of your own undertaking. But isn't that just the randomness of existence? I am most definitely envious of the certainty and peace that many spiritual individuals have in their life, because of their belief in a guiding hand in things (which for some reason is always in everyone's favor, regardless who they are). But at the same time I feel my discontent in the state of things is what drives me to change things so maybe it's not a bad thing, just less comfortable (seemingly). But I am open to the possibility of their being some higher being that is beyond our comprehension and that does have the ability to shape the world. I just currently haven't seen anything that is able to convince me enough of embracing such an idea with any conviction.
  18. ace1928

    Polyploidy/ mutation

    The nos looks way more effective than the other chemicals tested. I'd be really interested in figuring out the mechanism behind that. Will have to look into it more tomorrow and during the week. Always an interesting topic with the polyploidy haha
  19. ace1928

    Polyploidy/ mutation

    I think it should be pretty possible to figure out how to build some kind of pressure vessel capable of holding around 600kPa. Then you could discharge a heap of nos into it and let it sit for a few days to induce the polyploidy. Could vent the gas back into a storage cylinder so very little is lost. Seems interesting
  20. The issue I could possibly see from HCl would be residual chlorine. Some seeds have issues with that while others don't. With how cheap it is from bunnings I reckon it would be worth a try. The pH should still scarify the crap out of the seed but it doesn't have dehydrating properties like sulfuric does (if that is even necessary). You should totally try a 5 minute soak in concentrated HCl and let us know what happens. I'm pretty interested in increasing passionfruit germ rate. Have had similar success to you gtarman
  21. I especially love the thoughts of a DNA computer being mixed with this. Grow the circuitry AND the storage. Plug in a compatible display and boom. Good to go. Still a while off I'd say but it will happen some day.
  22. ace1928

    The Random Thread.

    Tequila can be mixed with anything but is best mixed with tequila
  23. ace1928

    don't cha hate it when..

    DCHIW the air temp is so damn hot your agar wont set.
  24. Hey guys im real curious as to what everyone thinks the approximate rate of mutation has been in these seeds in the past? 1/10? 1/2? I cant wait to get home because im pretty sure theyre there.
  25. Yeh I'll be getting into them properly in the next few weeks but then I'll be in QLD over christmas January and February will be the best time. Have a few people to get to in the coming weeks before I head off for the holidays