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The Corroboree

Francois le Danque

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Everything posted by Francois le Danque

  1. Exactly. I often wish i could photosynthesise, when i can't be bothered getting/affording food. But the tastes!
  2. Francois le Danque

    Germinating by the moons cycles..?

    ..then what is? As for the actual question, it's funny this should come up now, as i was just discussing it with a friend the other day. She was insisting that one should not sow on the full moon, whereas i was going to sow on that day anyway and thought the moon was an interesting coincidence. So we decided we would plant some on the full moon day and if she wanted to prove me wrong she could plant some on a non full moon day. Moving forward about a week, none of the seeds have sprouted! though i think it's because i didn't germinate them on tissue first like usual... edit: oh yeah when i saw poll i realised another flaw: we live right under the street lights! it's never dark in the yard. it sucks.
  3. Francois le Danque

    Circumcision causes autism and ADHD?

  4. Francois le Danque

    Circumcision causes autism and ADHD?

    intact represent
  5. Francois le Danque

    What Video Games Do You Play?

    Omg dude, me and my housemate spent a befuddled new year's eve once going round and round and round in circles in Far Cry 2. The amount of times those fucking rebels set fire to our car and we had to extinguish it by doing up bolts in the engine... still gives me nightmares
  6. Francois le Danque

    eaten wattle gum or seeds?

    I used to often enjoy Dick Smith's wholesome family muesli-like breakfast cereal , which had wattle seeds in. They were crunchy and good. I wonder if the cereal is still available, i quite liked it. No idea about the wattle's identity though soz
  7. Francois le Danque

    Meet up: Melbourne

    i agree, march is like, an age away
  8. Francois le Danque

    How to prepare and cook Cane Toads

    toads probably ignore roadblocks/travel restrictions...criminals those things
  9. Francois le Danque

    Have you seen any cool movies lately??

    those things are all from The Dark Crystal... edit: okay i probably should have read the next post anyone see this^ at the Astor on bicycle day??
  10. nah man i think that's because of our memory of being in the womb...but you might be right. then again being in the water was probably never safe; predators etc.
  11. Now that i think about it, i have a feeling that people feel safe after climbing because of our tree-dwelling monkeyman heritage. maybe
  12. I once had a dream that echoes Dreamwalker and bogfrog's... with the climbing and the safe zone aspects. I discovered a ladder in my house i had never seen before. I climbed it for a very long time and it went really high up into some sort of tower. When i emerged from the top of the ladder i was in a small room, about half the size of a regular single bedroom. It also had low ceilings. The only things in the room were an old tube TV, my Nintendo Entertainment System and a beanbag. The TV was glowing blue because the NES was turned off. I sat on the beanbag and started playing, and it was very nice Ever since this dream I have been endeavouring to create a similar space. I plan to build a raised platform with couch and tv on top, that one has to climb up to.
  13. Francois le Danque

    cannabinoid hyperemesis

    I'm interested in knowing how long after abstinence it went away, and whether any treatments are necessary or helpful. Something else i am interested in is what kind of weed the sufferers are smoking, i am going to assume cheap city hydro but i will happily be proved wrong...
  14. Francois le Danque

    Magic mushroom found in Palace garden

    Slowest news day of all time. Did you guys see the front cover of 'The Sun'? far out how crap...i thought the herald was bad
  15. Francois le Danque

    Is your dog dangerous?

    Next time use a gun... ..i recently read the rules about dangerous dogs myself. Apparently it is illegal to train a dog to "chase...another animal" ! So hunting dogs, and dogs that like to run around the yard with their friends, are also against the rules. shoot to kill,shoot to kill,shoot to kill
  16. Francois le Danque

    E cigs and E liquids

    how does it go??? really want to get one of these, unless you tell me they suck.
  17. Francois le Danque

    What's the most depraved thing you have ever done?

    I too am now in this category
  18. Francois le Danque

    What's the most depraved thing you have ever done?

    OMG i snapped off eth's Stretch Armstrong's arm ! It didn't stretch, nor was it strong. False advertising. But seriously dude i'm so sorry
  19. Francois le Danque

    Do you guys enjoy getting stoked?

    Report shows college students regularly get stoked: lol
  20. Francois le Danque

    Oregon and Alaska legalise weed, but what will a new senate mean?

    we are getting more progressive. just extremely slowly. i think there will be some sort of decent medical cannabis system here within 5 years.
  21. Francois le Danque

    What's the most depraved thing you have ever done?

    i did a similar thing with a spider at ~10m. i really didn't expect to hit it, i was just trying to scare it off the gate! the rock exploded the spider's abdomen, but it's thorax and legs ran away before i could put it out of it's misery. where it's guts went left a stain on the gate, and every time i saw it i felt really bad, for years. stupid spiders
  22. Francois le Danque

    What's the most depraved thing you have ever done?

    so, you just allowed him to win by your inaction
  23. Francois le Danque

    Britain Poised to Muzzle 'Extremist' Speech

    Far out distracted, i'm glad i didn't read that when i was in the psych ward (i already thought that was why i was there lol)
  24. Francois le Danque

    cannabinoid hyperemesis

    I don't think so man, unless you mean that the added ferts cause higher levels of cannabinoids. It is surely the cannabinoids themselves responsible for the condition, hence the name. it's caused by overactivation of CB receptors in the gut, which is extremely rich in them. My personal theory is that there is a transmitter-level neurological condition involved with the cb system which causes blood coagulation disorders, gastrointestinal disorders and anxiety. I know a lot of people who have these same problems, and often high levels of cannabis use, sometimes to combat the health problems.
  25. Francois le Danque

    I'm not a square but....

    There is a bogan town near my parents' place called .... (Hey mate are you drinking wine?) Nar Nar, Goon