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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by newageshaman

  1. I've been lucky enough to have one of my Iboga's seeds able to reach the seedling stage the other day :) :) i just have a few questions concerning the seed coat on the end of the seedling. Im planning on leaving it for the rest of the week to see if it will just fall off on its own accord but i have read on previous iboga threads that it may need a little help in getting off? so far im pretty confident that it should fall off by the end of the week as prior to planting my 11 seeds i got from SAB i took a sharp knife and went around the little crevice of each of the seeds a couple of times to help water to get past the hard seedcoat.

    here's a couple of pictures of it at the moment





    The soil mix used is 2 parts cacti and succulent mix (from Bunnings) 1 part fine silica sand and about 1/2 to 3/4 of a part of slighlty coarser silica sand.

    Thanks for reading hopefully will have a few more seedlings up when i get home :innocent_n:









  2. Wow i always envied nsw for there laws regarding cacti now it seems that there going the same way as the rest of Australia. It really is disgusting the way that they can basically make most if not all cacti somewhat illegal. I mean whose ever heard of someone trying to get psychoactive effects from a prickly pear? Australian Government you disgust me, especially when you make so readily available such addictive drugs as tobacco and alcohol. Not to mention how easy it is to get prescription drugs. Maybe work on fixing our current drug problems that actual effect a good majority of our population.

  3. yeah mate columnar cacti are piss easy to get to root, i would personally take those two pups from the top of the big column and plant those too. After they strike it shouldn't take to much for them to heal up and start throwing more pups :)

  4. on a similar note who's keen for the cube season to start? i know i am and im planning a trek to the my local cube hotspot this weekend to see if we're going to have an early season this year :) fingers crossed

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  5. Nah its the same down here maryborough through to bundaberg i was thinking perhaps the chems from all the agriculture, they get seedling to fruit tomatoes zucchini etc in 6 weeks its like the plants arent there one day and next day where the fuck did theyncome from, but no mushies of interest...

    dude serious i live in the widebay bundaberg area and i shit you not as soon as it starts raining during summer there are a fuck load of the bastards popping up everywhere. Have a good look man chances are if theres cows theres cubes :shroomer:

  6. holy cow there's some diversity here which is pretty awesome in my opinion :) guess ill put my 2 cents in then. To start off i was born in a catholic family who weren't to bad just expected you to be honest and basically treat people as you like to be treated. Then we moved out of our country town to a much bigger town and i was enrolled in a catholic school and began absolutely hating the whole religion so out of annoyance rather than any other reason i started saying i was a satanist (just the way to pass religious education :P ) and i even went as far as buying a satanic bible to "seal the deal" lol.

    After that i got over satanism and started reading some new age books on witchcraft and paganism (specifically wicca) which sort of annoyed me cause at that stage i was trying to get away from all these religions with rules on how to act. Which brings us too now, were im happy to learn about any religion (even my least favorite Christianity) and take the good points out of it and just apply those to my everyday life without feeling the need to say im a christian or im a pagan blah blah :)

  7. I've just recently bought a iboga seed pod from SAB and was wondering what tips or tricks people may have for propagating these beautiful trees? I'm planning on using a soil mix of 1/3 course sand 1/3 cacti soil and 1/3 seedling soil, anything wrong with this or suggestions? Thanks in advance :)

  8. Just wondeing about what size a loph should be before you can graft it relatively easy to a trich? i have just bought one that has arrived and the main pup is 2cm in diameter and the other pups are about 1 cm or smaller and i was thinking of grafting some of the littler pups to my trichs? or should i let them grow a bit bigger before attempting to graft? any feedback would be greatly appreciated :)

  9. I've tried nutmeg essential oil once about 1ml in my coffee, didn't really get any effects except a bit of a different headspace. I read on one of 69rons posts that its best if mixed in german chamomile teas to get intense psychedellic effets but i have not tried since my first experiment with it in coffee although now you've sparked my interest again so i may just buy some tea and oil and give it a try :)
