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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Weazelloph

  1. Weazelloph

    Free Ethnobotanical's (Australian Members Only)

    Still available? Please Vv GETS vV VVvvVvVv x10 D. Metel, x20 D. Stramonium, x10 Desmanthus Illinoensis, x10 P. Somniforum, x20 HBWR all seeds vVVvVvvVvV
  2. Weazelloph

    Seeds of love

    Thankyou so much bogfrog and endorfinder! Pm me if there is something you are searching for, and I will do my best to help yas out. Once again thankyou so much Weazelloph
  3. Weazelloph

    Free Cacti - TPM X SS02 Crest - FINISHED

    Would be one of my prized possessions! !
  4. Weazelloph

    Free Seed Raffle - Ephedra Packs + Bonuses

    Still available?? (Fingers crossed) Im in!
  5. Weazelloph

    The Sowing Out Thread

    Pm me if you participated. Is a lophophora williamsii var. Williamsii
  6. Weazelloph

    a few plants f/s

    Hey mate can yu pm me if there is any psycho0 left of bridge seedlings Cheers
  7. Weazelloph

    The Sowing Out Thread

    Sorry is not a koehresii but is a l. Williamsii something it does not pup at all has not once in its lifetime..
  8. Weazelloph

    The Sowing Out Thread

    Ill end this game tonight, it is not a diffusa nor a fricii. Good try though I could imagine both would look similar, I might try searching to compare P.s wish I had a albiflora >.
  9. Weazelloph

    The Sowing Out Thread

    Sorry one of the most important bits of information and a hint is light pink flowers && fluoro pink fruit.
  10. Weazelloph

    The Sowing Out Thread

    Haha sorry jox was at dinner with no reception and because of where I live it is hard to get enough reception as it is. Ps. sorry about the quality I tried to use a pic of it in bloom (3flowers) but it was too large so ill have to edit it and post in my gallery when I get a chance.
  11. Weazelloph

    The Sowing Out Thread

    Looking to put a few seeds I got out of this one.. first time flowering since I got it. (Only a month ago! But is apparently up to 30 years old, never grafted! Guess the name and I will send a seed or few if you are right VARY RARE!!!
  12. Weazelloph

    Quick question's about Loph's

    Sorry to jump in but ive done a fair bit of reading around on the loph species and have bought many different plants from all of the world. When purchasing a plant named L. Ziegleri I was forced by myself to ask the person for more information about this. I found so much conflitiing information and some just plain confusing pages, most agreeing with whats said above but when I recieved The message it was stating that it was a williamsii and that is just what it is named in his country.. (which by memory was poland) Ive come across this a few times so if anyone wants me to look into where I got them from or wants to see pictures ill be more Than happy to post a couple pics! Ps. From the nursery I go to the jourdania is a cultivate of the lophophora williamsii.
  13. Weazelloph

    A special cactus garden (IMAGE HEAVY!!)

    Wow this some collection. Well done to your friend his collection is beautiful!
  14. Weazelloph

    A special cactus garden (IMAGE HEAVY!!)

    Wow this some collection. Well done to your friend his collection is beautiful!
  15. Weazelloph

    A special cactus garden (IMAGE HEAVY!!)

    Wow this some collection. Well done to your friend his collection is beautiful!
  16. Just picked up a copy of trouts notes cactus cultivation. I recommend any enthusiasts to purchase a copy!. Will be pick up a copy of sc3 this week if I get the chance.
  17. Weazelloph

    Seeds of love

    Hey I know I might be a little bit late but is there any chance a pack might still be available.. P.s im fresh on the forum so HEY EVERYONE!!