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The Corroboree


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About judanero

  • Rank
    Day Tripper

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    Home brewing

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  1. judanero

    Myco and yeast

    I'll be using liquid yeasts (both wyeast and whitelabs) because I rarely use dry yeast unless its an impromptu brew day where I chill the wort and pitch the same day. Also I suppose the cost of dry yeast is such that I probably wouldn't bother building a collection of their cultures, I'd just buy another packet. Hmm I'm beginning to think I might just have to make another filter and have dedicated sections..
  2. judanero

    Myco and yeast

    Hi all, I'm in the process of setting up my semi permanent lab, which is ultimately going to be the area under my pallet racking (garage), segregated and enclosed using greenhouse film. I intend on having one area for the agar work (desk, hepa filter), another for fruiting, and a disused fridge with temp controller and reptile heat pad for colonisation. I also intend on using the agar work area for yeast propagation (home brewing) also.. Naturally I will be following the best sterile practices I can both for the yeast and myco work, but am I increasing the risk to both by doing it in the same place? Has anyone done this? Cheers
  3. judanero

    Subs 2013

    ;) nice one!
  4. judanero

    Edible prints

    Yeah I didn't even think about that, if that wasn't directed at me Bigred just disregard my post.. Cheers
  5. judanero

    Edible prints

    Hey mate that would be awesome! Pm me when you're freed up a bit.. Cheers red
  6. judanero

    Edible prints

    Thanks for the replies! I had thought about mushrooms from the supermarket and cleaning up on agar, should mention though that I've never worked with agar before... I'm fairly new to mycology, so will require a bit of reading me thinks. I've grown blue oysters from omsources kits, and have a log innoculating with shiitake at the moment. Cheers Amazonian! so much info on here.. love it Yeah I should have probably been a bit more articulate... one too many home brews after work
  7. judanero

    Edible prints

    nice one
  8. judanero

    Edible prints

    I'm looking to try and acquire some edible prints, does anyone know of a site that has them?
  9. judanero

    FREE spore print/live culture trading thread

    Thanking you kindly!! Vvv P.Cubensis Amazonian MICROSCOPY ONLY vvV
  10. judanero

    FREE spore print/live culture trading thread

    Merci Bromo!! FOR MICROSCOPY ONLY VVVV Amazonian P. Cubensis VVVV
  11. judanero

    Sub Heaven

    That patch...I am Jack's simmering jealousy
  12. judanero

    Post your track of the day

    Babe Ruth-The Mexican
  13. judanero

    x x

    Has anyone had any success with the innoculation of Eucalyptus logs?