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The Corroboree


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About sunblade

  • Rank
    Day Tripper

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  • Interests
    Plants, travel, research

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  • Climate or location
    South East

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860 profile views
  1. sunblade

    Piper Auritum

    Thanks for the reply. I'll take a look at Atlas. I do have a plant but I've had for about 12 years and is root bound in a large clay pot. I've never any luck with it producing suckers. It just grows like a tree. Plus I want to have some nature walk "missions".
  2. sunblade

    Piper Auritum

    I'm looking for wild Piper Auritum. Does anyone know where it might be located in the wilds of QLD? Yes, I know it is shop from time to time.
  3. sunblade

    Back garden update and clearer pics

    Thanks for sharing, put some captions in next time to give a bit of description.
  4. sunblade

    Announcing the Australian Ethnobotanical Society

    Looks like a good idea. What about starting off with a donate button instead of paid memberships? Don't get me wrong I understand what the hours involved in web dev alone but it might be a good way to build memberships by letting people join for free and contribute through building content. I'm sure if you "passed the hat around at BBQ's, events that would top up the war chest as well.
  5. sunblade

    News Channel Ignorance

    The alternative media is where it is at, you just need to look a little harder for information. Mainstream media is beholden to corporations, governments and special interest groups and deserves to fail.
  6. sunblade

    AE.net down?

    Just began to log in again AE myself. Found it pretty quiet and not much going on. Did not have much to say myself though. Don't give up the site as it is a great reference and can grow again.
  7. sunblade

    Giant pumpkin contest!!

    Count me in. Garden is ready to go.